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"He's my mother's brother. He'd a kind face, though he struck me. I'll kill him, if he strikes me agin," the dark trade-mark coming into her eyes. "But mebbe," patting her hair, "he'll not. Just call me Charley, as Ben does: help me to be like his wife: I'll hev a chance for heaven at last." She turned to a big brick building and ran lightly up the stairs on the outside.

You can't open it, an' you'll have the continual fun of wonderin' what's inside." "I'd rather not take it." "But I want you to," asserted Ellen. "I'm givin' it to you to take care of. It'll help to make life interestin'. Besides, who knows but you may be tempted to break it open some night an' have a peep inside." Craftily the old woman watched the girl. "Or mebbe you'll tear it up," she mused.

"We seldom are on a Saturday. Mrs. Bothwall ... her that owns the place ... thought mebbe some football fellows might come here for their tea after the matches so's they needn't go home before starting for the Empire or the Alhambra: but, sure, none of them ever comes. We might as well be shut for the custom we get!"

Upon going forward, Wetzel and Joe found the calf lying dead in the grass. "You might hev did better'n that," remarked the hunter, as he saw where the bullet had struck. "You went a little too fer back, but mebbe thet was 'cause the calf stepped as you shot." So the days passed swiftly, dreamily, each one bringing Joe a keener delight.

'Mebbe they will, I ses, 'but I don't b'lieve none of it, I ses; 'an' b'jiminey, I ses back t' 'um, 'mebbe your fellers 'll all run like hell when they onct hearn a gun, I ses. He larfed. Well, they didn't run t' day, did they, hey? No, sir! They fit, an' fit, an' fit." His homely face was suffused with a light of love for the army which was to him all things beautiful and powerful.

Simeon Holly shook his head. "I can make little of it. It certainly is a most remarkable note." "Could you read the name?" "No." "Well, I couldn't. Neither could half a dozen others that's seen it. But where's the boy? Mebbe his note'll talk sense." "I'll go find him," volunteered Larson. "He must be somewheres 'round." But David was very evidently not "somewheres 'round."

"If you knew that the big fish would fall off that hook, and that they are just waiting to be caught, how could you stand just getting the little ones?" Whitey said. "They're not worth much." "Mebbe after time big fish him swallow hook, then me get him," answered Injun, which was a pretty long speech for him, and explained many matters.

"Yes, an' no, an' mebbe, an' mebbe not," was the categorical reply. "Wa'al," she answered with a snap, "mebbe you call that an answer. I s'pose if you don't want to let on you won't, but I do believe you've ben playin' some trick on the deakin, an' won't own up. I do wish," she added, "that if you hed to git rid of a balky horse onto somebody you'd hev picked out somebody else."

"Look here, you pale-faced, sneaky, cigarette-suckin' pup," rasped Bunk furiously, "you take your claws off his arm and let him alone, or I'll grasp the occasion to hand you the dose of medicine I come so nigh givin' ye at the game last Satterday. Mebbe he can save this game, and it's up to him to try, anyhow.

The moment his eyes fell upon them, he said in his heart, 'Yon's the place for a hoose! I'll get Kirsty to big ane, and mebbe she 'll come and bide in 't wi' me whiles!