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I thought mebbe," she added, with a sly glance at the basket, "that if I brought a little something extry, we might get an invitation to take a bite of luncheon, but we don't seem to." "Oh! but who could have supposed that I was to have all the good things in the world?" cried Delmonte, merrily. "This is really too good to be true. Help me, Donna Prudencia, while I set out the feast!

But when I told him the canary was dead he up and said that mebbe 'twas better so, seem' the old bird couldn't see no more. Now, who would ha' told him Jerry was blind?" There were a few other things about the returned Cap'n Abe that might have amazed his neighbors. He seemed to possess an almost uncanny knowledge of what had happened during the summer.

Not a sign of the two men was to be seen, either on the submarine, in the water or on the solid shore-ice, a few rods away. "What d' y' think of that?" asked Jarvis, mopping his brow. "They're gone!" "Perhaps they drowned." "Mebbe drowned mebby they're 'id h'in th' h'ice." "Well, anyway, we're rid of them," said Dave.

"But it's a way that's goin' to WORK! I'm swanged if it ain't! You'll see oncet! You just let this here thing to me and you won't be chased off your job! I'm doin' it fur the sake of the fun I'll get out of seein' Jake Getz surprised! Mebbe that old Dutchman won't be wonderful spited!" "I shall be very much indebted to you, doctor, if you can help me, as it suits me to stay here for the present."

Merle filtered coins through his fingers for the wondrous feel of them. "Well, mebbe we better," he said at last. "How much do we get?" demanded Wilbur, exalted but still sane. "Oh, a lot!" said the girl, carelessly. Plainly she was not one to haggle. "Here, I'll give you two double handfuls see, like that," and she measured the price into the other cap, not skimping.

Guess that old crow bait, Ma Day'll need all the youth an' beauty o' Rocky Springs around to get eyes on her glory. I can't say either o' you boys fit in with these things, but if you don't git too near hoss soap and cold water mebbe you'll pass for the picturesque."

"Howsum, I guess I'm goin' to look around for this feller. Y' see Rosebud's li'ble to like him. Mebbe he ain't well heeled for dollars, an' she's that tender-hearted she might I've got his pictur'. Mebbe I'll show it around eh, what's up?" Seth inquired in his blandest tone. Nevil suddenly sat up and there was a desperate look in his eyes.

Some of 'em I forgot till I come on 'em, now an' then, in books long afterwards; an' then it was like somebody dead spoke up. I'm always thankful to get hold o' other people's books an' see if mebbe I won't find somethin' else he said. But a good many o' the things I s'pose I clear forgot, an' I won't know 'em again till in the next life.

How did she what? reconcile this state of things with not being married and being a Presbyterian? Sho! she liked to carry some religion along; it was mighty handy occasionally, mebbe not all the time. Yes, indeed, she enjoyed her religion. The Colonel appeared and gave us a most cordial welcome.

"Lise gone," Edward repeated. "Gone where?" "She's run away she's disgraced us," Hannah replied, in a monotonous, dulled voice. Edward did not seem to understand, and presently Janet felt impelled to break the silence. "She didn't come home last night, father." "Didn't come home? Mebbe she spent the night with a friend," he said.