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He means actual, concealed or disguised form, I s'pose. The idea is L.'s. I suppose he means the manner of concealing the key and credentials." "Yes," said Tom rather excitedly. Mr. Conne glanced at him, joggled his cigar, and went on, "You remember him at Heidelberg, I dare say. I brought him back once for holiday. Met him through Handel, who was troubled with cataract. V. has furnished funds.

Oh, gee, it was all slimy and had moss growing to it and it was black and hard. I was crazy to find out what it was and I swam around the end of it, bobbing it up and down. Then I sat on it and rocked it and it joggled. When I straddled it, it went down with me and when I jerked it, it seemed to get loose a little. The end that was sticking up wasn't very big around, only it was terribly slippery.

"Excuse me," said Andy, as they joggled. "Certainly you first," responded a pleasant voice. "Hello!" almost shouted Andy Wildwood, starting as if from an electric shock. "Why, Luke Belding!" "Eh? Aha! Andy Wildwood. Well! well! well!" It was the ambitious lion tamer of Tipton Luke the show boy, the owner of the famous chicken that walked backwards.

As we passed in at our gate the girls were distantly visible, gardening with a zeal in cheerful contrast to their heartsick lassitude of the morning. "There's bin another letter come today," Harold explained, "and the hamper got joggled about on the journey, and the presents worked down into the straw and all over the place. One of 'em turned up inside the cold duck.

So that path there became a life, a long-drawn-out, earnest life.... That was quite plain in my head; and those boys had rolled and tumbled along that path; next, those big men had burdensomely, most burdensomely turned over their bit of earth; and the ox and the little old fellow had joggled along it so piteously.... That life was so earnest and I had seen it all from so far, from the outside of it: I did nothing, I took no part in it and yet I lived ... and must also one day go along that path!

You'll be joggled in this crowd, an' break 'em all to smash. Here, you le' me have your handkerchief! I'll see to it all." She kept the handkerchief in her hand, after their slight "tradin'" had been accomplished; and Dilly, too dispirited to offer a word, walked meekly about after her.

I'll do some more tricks for them if the Man pulls more strings." And the Man did. He pulled the strings fastened to the Clown's arms, and they jiggled and joggled in a merry fashion, so the girl and the office boy laughed harder than ever. "Well, how in the world did that Clown toy come to be in my pocket? That's what I want to know," said the Man, very much puzzled.

"'Johnny, he says, 'it's Daniel that'll have to go to college. Bright men, he says, 'don't need no education." Even after thirty years the Traveling Salesman's hand shook slightly with the memory, and his joggled mind drove him with unwonted carelessness to pin price mark after price mark in the same soft, flimsy mesh of pink lisle. But the grin on his lips did not altogether falter.

I don't think I hope" he surveyed Vaniman with leisure in which there was the suggestion of a threat "I'll never have any occasion to take that letter out again. Er ah " Britt joggled a watch charm and inquired, casually, "Would you plan on getting married if I boost your wages a little?"

But the wind, as if satisfied at last with its mischievous pranks, stopped blowing this ocean and hurried away to another part of the world to blow something else; so that the waves, not being joggled any more, began to quiet down and behave themselves. It was lucky for Dorothy, I think, that the storm subsided; otherwise, brave though she was, I fear she might have perished.