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I want to call particular attention to one thing which the picture under consideration emphasizes very forcibly, and that is the unstudied informality of it. It seems to have planned itself. It is like one of Nature's fence-corner bits of gardening. For use in the background we have several most excellent plants.

In the case of the tenant of a few acres who made a fair living near a large town, it must be remembered that he understood two trades, gardening and carpentering, and found constant employment at these, which in all probability would indeed have maintained him without any land at all.

Of course she'd defend herself, but she had her temper under better control than I. She wanted to go away for a year or two and study landscape gardening, and then come back and establish herself in an office here. I wouldn't listen to it. And one morning, when she was late to breakfast, I delivered an ultimatum.

"O well! budding a few roses that's only play. It was time they were done. But I am tired; and I am going up to see Hugh it will rest me and him too." The gardening frock and gloves were exchanged for those of ordinary wear, and Fleda set off slowly to go up to the saw-mill.

'And here comes the "friar of orders gray," to tell you so, exclaimed Guy, as Mary, in her gray dress, came on them. 'Oh, that is right, dear good friar, cried Amy. 'We are so busy, said Charlotte; 'Guy has made Mr. Markham send all these choice buds from Redclyffe. 'Not from the park, said Guy, 'we don't deal much in gardening; but Markham is a great florist, and these are his bounties.

And I shall try to clear altogether in an artistic manner, with an eye to the principles of landscape gardening. Why, Holt! many an English parvenu planning the grounds of his country seat, and contemplating the dwarf larches and infantine beeches struggling for thirty years to maturity, would give a thousand guineas for some of these lordly oaks and walnuts, just as they stand.

That very afternoon he had had a heated discussion in the vestry with Mr Milligan, the bass, on a question of gardening, and the singer, who still smarted under the clerk's overbearing tongue, was glad to emphasise his adversary's defeat by paying attention to the intruder.

And now as to the single acre by measure, of lawn, shrubs, and plants, close around my house; for the reason that it was and is my school of gardening. There was no garden here I write this in the midst of it when I began. Ten steps from where I sit there had been a small Indian mound which some one had carefully excavated. I found stone arrow chips on the spot, and one whole arrow-head.

When she woke to that little bit of truth, fitted in to the puzzle of the truths of her life, she looked into vacancy, and asked of herself some questions. Presently she came down to the drawing-room, dressed in a thin coat and skirt that were suitable for riding, for walking, for sitting among ruins, for gardening, for any active occupation.

The soil is very fertile, and at least we should not starve. And the gardening would be good for me, and I could perhaps keep some chickens, and work out at odd jobs as well. But it takes money to build even a very small shack." "How much money?" demanded Dave. "If I had a hundred dollars " "Bring your title to me to-morrow; to me, personally, you understand.

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