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Sharp, thou know'st we presented her handsomly, and she protested she'd do't. Sharp. Sham. Sir, it may be Things have so fallen out, that she could not possibly come. Sir Tim. Things! a Pox of your Tricks Well, I see there's no trusting a poor Devil Well, what Device will your Rogueship find out to cheat me next? Sham. Sharp.

Now if I slip within the pool and thou should'st pull me from the pool how then? Ha 'tis well bethought, let's do't!" "Were it any but Saint Cuthbert!" sighed Roger, "but I do thank thee for thy kindly thought, Giles." Now after this went they some way in silence, Beltane riding ahead very full of thought, and his companions behind, the one smiling and debonair, the other frowning and sad.

"Ef ye'll shoulder 'em roun' the shore, yer welcome to what the skipper left fur't. What ye say, lads?" "We'll do't fur ye, Dirk, seein' yer cut," said the one who was called Darby. "Where be the boxes, man?" Dirk led them into the inner room, from whence they presently emerged, each with a trunk on his shoulder, and, bending with their burdens, started up the shore.

A body maun tak' care o' their ain, else wha's to do't?" "Weel," rejoined Andrew with a smile, for he understood Bruce well enough, although he pretended to have mistaken his meaning "weel, gin the bairnie falls to you, nae doot ye maun take chairge o' her." "I dinna mean Jeames Anderson's bairns I mean my ain bairns."

Now I am worshipful. But a woman did cast him in my teeth this day. And so 'twill be ever while he hangs there. I would have him ta'en down; well-a-day!" "With all my heart." "And none dare I ask but thee. Wilt do't?" "Not I, even were I not a prisoner." On this stern refusal the tender Manon sighed, and clasped her palms together despondently. Denys told her she need not fret.

"Ay, ye often say that." "Do ye no believe my word?" "I believe fine ye mean what ye say, but ye forget yersel when the time comes." "Juist try me this time." "Weel, then, I do." "Do what?" asked the greedy Leeby. "What ye said." "I said love." "Well," said Jamie, "I do't." "What do ye do? Say the word." "Na," said Jamie, "I winna say the word. It's no a word to say, but I do't."

But the strong hand will never do't; nor yet lettin' alone will never do't. Ratin' us as so much power and reg'latin' us as if we was figures in a sum, will never do't." "Now, it's clear to me," said Mr. Bounderby, "that you are one of those chaps who have always got a grievance.

I must confess, I am unus'd to this kind of Dialogue; and I am an Ass, if I know what to say to such a Creature. But come, will you answer me to one Question? Cel. If I can, Sir. Sir Tim. But first I should ask you if you can speak? For that's a Question too. Cel. And if I cannot, how will you be answer'd? Sir Tim. Faith, that's right; why, then you must do't by signs. Cel.

"What do you want?" "Noo I see how bar's meant to gan, mayhappen it wad be better screwed. If you'll wait while I gan for dies, I'll do't for you." "All right. You can get busy," said Jim. When the smith went off he smiled and remarked: "I don't know if I expected this, but the man will make no more trouble. However, we have lost some time and must push ahead."

A big old lurcher got up slowly from the door-stone, stretching first one hind leg and then the other, and taking Tom's caresses and the presence of Toby, who kept, however, at a respectful distance, with equal indifference. "Us be cum to pay 'ee a visit. I've a been long minded to do't for old sake's sake, only I vinds I dwon't get about now as I'd used to't.