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Spike probably had his methods for evading publicity on these occasions. Spike plodded on. Block after block he passed, until finally the houses began to be more scattered. At last, he halted before a fair-sized detached house. "Dis is de place," he said. "A friend of mine tells me of it. I didn't know he was me friend, dough, before he puts me wise about dis joint.

"Come right in, Miss Jinny, Done heerd de General speak of you often yas'm. De General'll be to home dis a'ternoon, suah. 'Twill do him good ter see you, Miss Jinny. He's been mighty lonesome. Walk right in, Cap'n, and make yo'selves at home. Lizbeth Lizbeth!" A yellow maid came running down the stairs. "Heah's Miss Jinny." "Lan' of goodness!" cried Lizbeth. "I knows Miss Jinny.

On a number of Gallo-Roman CIPPI, we find a hatchet beneath which we read the words, DIS MANIBUS, and lower down the dedication, SUB ASCIA DEDICAVIT. At all times and everywhere the hatchet appears as the emblem of force, and is the object of the respect of the people. The tradition of its value and importance is handed down from ancestors to descendants throughout many generations.

For an instant he stopped and gazed in my father's face, then darting forward, he seized his hand and pressed it to his lips, exclaiming "Oh, massa! dis niggar Dio know you; nebber forget you, massa; you remember de poor slave niggar who pulled de little boy out of de water?" "Remember you, my good fellow!" exclaimed my father, wringing his hand.

"Follow me ... and ... and ... what's next? Mither said I wes tae haed ready when she cam. "'A'll come afore ye gang tae sleep, Wullie, but ye 'ill no get yir kiss unless ye can feenish the psalm. "And ... in God's house ... for evermore my ... hoo dis it rin? a canna mind the next word ... my, my "It's ower dark noo tae read it, an' mither 'ill sune be comin."

I didn't hear much bout de politics but I think Abraham Lincoln done pretty well. I reckon Jefferson Davis did the best he knowed how. Religion is all right; can't find no fault with religion. I think all of us ought to be religious because the dear Lord died for us all. Dis world would be a better place if we all were religious. Word Picture of MR. MCMILLAN

An' dere's a bunch of dem goin' to wait on de street in case youse beat it past down de stairs while de odder guys is rubberin' for youse. Gee, ain't dis de limit!" John stood thinking. His mind was working rapidly. Suddenly he smiled. "It's all right, Pugsy," he said. "It looks bad, but I see a way out. I'm going up that ladder there and through the trapdoor on to the roof.

Her only consolation was in the vernal flowers, which, springing from the dark earthly mould, seemed to her to be "heralds from the dreary deep, Soft voices from the solemn streams," by whose shores, veiled in eternal twilight, wandered her sad child, the queen of the realm of Dis, with its nine-fold river, gates of adamant, and minarets of fire.

Once when he ran down to the shore to watch the boat coming in from the mail-steamer, the purser had refused to let the boat go to land, and called out, "M'sieu' MacIntosh, you git no malle dis trip, eef you not call avay dat dam' dog." True, the Minganites seemed to take a certain kind of pride in his reputation.

"Look at Jo!" derided Squinty, an old friend of the girl's in many a half-remembered camp. "Hey, youse plugs, gadder 'round here and lamp Jerkline Jo dollin' up! Good night!" "Beat it now!" Jo reiterated. "Say, dis here's good!" retorted Squinty. "I to't youse was a reg'lar woman, Jo! Youse know more 'bout cuffin' ole Jack an' Ned dan youse do 'bout fixin' yer hair.