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On a number of Gallo-Roman CIPPI, we find a hatchet beneath which we read the words, DIS MANIBUS, and lower down the dedication, SUB ASCIA DEDICAVIT. At all times and everywhere the hatchet appears as the emblem of force, and is the object of the respect of the people. The tradition of its value and importance is handed down from ancestors to descendants throughout many generations.

The same authority also informs us that "he translated the Cyropaedeia of Xenophon, which he dedicated to Alphonso I, King of Naples, from whom he received a very large sum of money for his dedication, even as he dedicated to Pope Nicholas V. his translation of the six books of the historian Diodorus Siculus": "Cyripaediam, quam Xenophon ille scripsit, latinam reddidit, atque Alphonso Regi dedicavit, pro qua a Rege magnam mercedem accepit.

II. V. Complete Submission of the Volscian and Campanian Provinces II. V. Complete Submission of the Volscian and Campanian Provinces II. V. Complete Submission of the Volscian and Campanian Provinces II. IV. South Etruria Roman 33. -V. Cervio A. f. cosol dedicavit- and -lunonei Quiritri sacra. C. Falcilius L. f. consol dedicavit-.

II. V. Complete Submission of the Volscian and Campanian Provinces II. V. Complete Submission of the Volscian and Campanian Provinces II. V. Complete Submission of the Volscian and Campanian Provinces II. IV. South Etruria Roman 33. -V. Cervio A. f. cosol dedicavit- and -lunonei Quiritri sacra. C. Falcilius L. f. consol dedicavit-.