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"I didn't mean to do or say any thing that would make me seem like a master, for I hate the very sound of the word." "Hossifus!" exclaimed Cyd, gratified by this acknowledgment. "I done tink you meant to be my massa, jes like de kun'l. If dis chile jes as good you be, Cyd can't see why you don't tell what you do dese tings for."

The question was eager. "'Sides, he knowed you'd had edicashun, an' he knowed how you looked on his way o' livin'. He didn't know but " "You mean he didn't trust me, Sam?" Sam felt the keen eyes upon him even hi the darkness. "Naw, he didn't tink you'd snitch on him ner nothin', but he didn't know but you might tink you had to do some tings what might kick it all up wid him.

Sam be a little frightened, but not much. Not believe much in San Domingo about fetish. Dey better dan dese Hayti people. Still Sam not like it." "I suppose you told him that he was a fool, Dominique?" "Yes, sar. Me tell him, too, dat white man tink nothing ob Obi man. Hang him by neck if he tries fetish against dem."

"Ver' well, by-and-by dere come to Pontiac what you call a colonel with a dozen men what for, you tink? To try de patriots. He will stan' dem against de wall and shoot dem to death kill dem dead. When dey come, de Cure he is not in Pontiac non, not dat day; he is gone to anudder village. De English soldier he has de ten men drew up before de church.

"Charlie," she added, "is there a file aboard the schooner?" "I tink um yass, boss hab got file." "In the tool-chest, isn't it?" Charlie nodded, and Moran ordered it to be fetched. "If we're to fight that crowd," she said, speaking to herself and in a rapid voice, thick from excitement and passion, "we've got to know where they've hid the loot, and what weapons they've got.

In another instant his hand was being grasped by Lieutenant Hanson and his old messmate Charley Meadows, while Tom Baraka, springing forward, clasped him in his arms, exclaiming "O Massa Ned, we find you at last! I always said dat you 'live. Hurrah! hurrah! Now him tink him die happy."

"The boer's bruder, he come back from the nort without catch any giraffe," replied the Bushman. "I tink he got some now." A light suddenly dawned on the mind of Hans, who stood listening to this dialect. The mysterious conduct of Congo appeared better than half explained. A halt was immediately ordered, and all gathered around Swartboy.

Still tolerably satisfied that no enemies were within a distance of several miles, we descended the hill and pushed on to that part of the river which appeared likely to afford us a passage. On reaching it, Dio exclaimed "Me tink me get 'cross, me go in an' try; if too deep, me swim like one fish!" Without waiting for permission, he dashed forward.

When she saw me she ran out of her dark corner and threw her arms around me. “Oh, Jimmy,” she sobbed, “what you tink for my lovely papa!” It seemed to me that I could feel her heart breaking as she clung to me. Mrs. Shimerda, sitting on the stump by the stove, kept looking over her shoulder toward the door while the neighbors were arriving.

"How far off?" demanded Mr Vanslyperken. "About two miles." "Pulling or sailing?" "Pulling, sir; we stand right for them." But Mr Vanslyperken was in no pleasant humour, and ordered the cutter to be hove-to. "I tink de men have pull enough all night," said Jansen, who had just been relieved at the wheel, to Obadiah Coble, who was standing by him on the forecastle.