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"I don't think it's cargo he's after, though cement pays all right." "It ain't cargo," said a small but confident voice. "You clear out!" said old Sam. "A boy o' your age shovin' his spoke in when 'is elders is talkin'! What next, I wonder!" "Where am I to clear to? I'm my own end of the ship anyway," said the youth vindictively. The men started to move, but it was too late.

She nodded explanatorily to Miss Gibbie. "He lent it to us, but not bein' built for picnics, 'twa'n't the best in the world to pack twenty-three shovin' people in, bein' meant for just one still one; but my grandmother always told me a lot of life was a makeshift, and if you couldn't do what you'd like, then like what you had to do; and we had a lot of fun comin' out.

"If your pa had got sight of me shovin' in wood and cussin' the pilot for slowin' at the crossin's, he'd never let you ride in my boat again. Bill Jenks said: 'Are you plum crazy, Brent? Look at them cressets. 'Five dollars'' says I; 'wouldn't go in for five hundred.

Well we ought to be able to take care of four just as easy as two 5 and the howl will be all the louder, I guess." He moved over a little, and with the toe of his shoe nudged Felix under the ribs. "Quit shovin' there!" muttered the farm hand, possibly thinking he was in bed with some other boy.

Do you hear?" "What are you whispering about, youngster?" said the man in the pea jacket. "You let him be." "Good-night," said Jem shortly. "Come on, Mas' Don." He stepped forward, but the young man hurried on the men, who had now closed in round them; and as Jem gave one of them a sturdy push to get off, the thrust was returned with interest. "Where are you shovin' to, mate?" growled the man.

'Do, says he, 'the red is beautiful on you, s'e, shovin' the blame off on to the red. An' when he got done with the shoes he come over to help on the waists too I was lookin' over the child sizes, next table, an' I see the whole business. "I will say their talk was wonderful pretty.

Bill, me cobber, 'e comes an' tells me 'e was in Cairo wid me. I tells 'im 'e needn't tell me that. 'Anyhow, if yer was, I says, 'wy didn't yer stop 'em brandin' me? Nice feller you are to call yerself me cobber? "'Oh, he says, 'I did me best, but you wasn't havin' any. You threatens to hit me over the 'ead if I don't go stop shovin' me opinions in w'ere they wasn't wanted.

The Willie-boy engineer from who I've been takin' me orders has sneaked away to Dry Bottom for a couple av days, shovin' the raysponsibility on me an' I ain't feelin' up to it. I'm a daisy construction boss, if I do say it meself, but I ain't enough of a fightin' mon to buck the business end av a six-shooter." "What's up?" "Mebbe you'd know he said you'd be sure to.

"Course I can," replied the new hand, scornfully; "guess you're all fooled if you think I never pushed a skiff with a pole before." "So you were just playing 'possum, were you?" demanded the indignant Lil Artha, "bent on fooling me so as to evade hard work, eh? I'd be serving you right, Landy, if I kept you shovin' away the rest of the afternoon.

"But, my dear man, I personally had that offer made to you. Why, we could have But never mind that. I hope you may see fit to give us your answer by Saturday noon." "That depends," says I, "on whether you come for it or not." "I beg pardon?" says he, starin'. "At the studio," says I, shovin' over one of my professional cards. "That's where I do business. So long, Mr. Bayne."