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Caleb yielded finally, but with some such hand-washing as Pilate did when he gave way to the pressure from without. "I aim to do what's for the best, Martha, but I own I hain't got your courage. You've been shovin' that boy up the steps o' the pulpit ever since he let on like he could understand what you was sayin' to him, and maybe it's all right.

"'I'm afther charmin' a burd out iv a three; 'tis a way I have, says I, shovin' in a fresh cartridge from my waistcoat pocket, fair an' aisy, an' kapin' me back to the haystack. "'Was it you kilt the jackdaw? says he. "''Twas meself, says I, 'that did it, says I. "'An' ye carry a murdherin' thing like that in a paceful counthry, says he. ''Tis yer American thrainin' says he, sneerin'.

Hi Kendal thought "The Pilot didn't have no fair show," maintaining that when he was "ropin' a steer he didn't want no blanked tenderfoot to be shovin' in his rope like Bill there." But Bill steadily maintained his position that "the story of that there picnic was a little too unusual" for him.

There was a rush and a scuffle outside, and the woman said in an ill-used tone: "I told yer how it would be." "You hold " He did not finish, for just then one of the men outside growled plainly heard through the thin door: "Now, then, where are yer shovin' to?" "In here," roared a voice that sent a thrill of joy through me.

"You see, our ellums and maples 'n' all them trees spends part o' the year in buddin' 'n' gittin' out their leaves 'n' hangin' em all over the branches; 'n' then, no sooner air they full grown than they hev to begin colorin' of 'em red or yeller or brown, 'n' then shakin' 'em off; 'n' this is all extry, you might say, to their every-day chores o' growin' 'n' cirkerlatin' sap, 'n' spreadin' 'n' thickenin' 'n' shovin' out limbs, 'n' one thing 'n' 'nother; 'n' it stan's to reason that the first 'n' hemlocks 'n' them California redwoods, that keeps their clo'es on right through the year, can't be so busy as them that keeps a-dressin' 'n' ondressin' all the time."

"Chuck full ter de water line; we've done been shovin' things inter dat hold fer a week past, but she's sure a good sailor. Whut wus it Massa Roger say yer name wus?" "Carlyle." "So he did; don't ever recollect hearin' dat name afore. Ye's one of dem rebels ober in England?" "I got mixed up in the affair." "An' whut dey done give yer?" "My sentence, you mean twenty years."

That there Harab what I chucked out 'alf a hour ago been and murdered 'im, and left 'im behind up in my back room. You run as 'ard as you can tear and tell them there dratted pleese what's so fond of shovin' their dirty noses into respectable people's 'ouses." So I comes and tells yer. That's all I knows about it.

I reckon any man with blood in him would feel that way about a coyote like that killin' his father. If men don't feel that way, why do they drag murderers to courts where they have courts an' ask the law to kill them. That's just shovin' the responsibility onto some other guy. "I've handed several guys their pass-out checks, an' I ain't regrettin' one of them.

She quickened her speed, leaning forward to read more surely: "Uh-uh! my ba-a-aaby, You drive me cra-azy, Uh-uh! quit shovin', I'm only lov in'." The words running along to a stuttering syncopation that filled her with self-disgust as she sang them. But she finished with quite a flourish, swinging around on the stool to face him. "You need ragging up, kiddo. You've the speed of a funeral march."

He had little to do with principle, and did not draw towards those who professed to be thus guided. He was wont to say that they "was troublesome fellers, always shovin' in their oars when they weren't wanted to, an' settin' themselves up for better than everybody else."