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For a white man, my eyes are good, but they are not a patch on a redskin's. I have lived among the woods since I was a boy; but even now, a redskin lad can pick up a trail and follow it when, look as I will, I can't see as a blade of grass has been bruised. No; these things is partly natur and partly practice. Practice will do a lot for a white man; but it won't take him up to redskin natur."

Here have we been waiting, gun in hand, for the last two months, and not a sign of a Redskin's tomahawk have we seen," said Rosalind cheerfully, as she and her parents rose from their evening meal. "Thank God if it be so," returned her mother. "We'll not slacken our vigilance, however," was McArthur's answer. At that instant a rapping at the house door was heard, and McArthur rose.

Presently he saw the Indian halt and stare long and hard at a tall pine growing in front of a large flat rock. "Wonder if he has missed his way?" mused the scout, but a moment later Yellow Elk proceeded onward, faster than ever. Coming up to the pine, Pawnee Brown saw instantly what had attracted the redskin's attention.

"Nothin', nothin'," said Ben, dismounting, "only the redskin's ears are sharp, and he has heard surprisin' sounds. Go with him on foot. I'll hold the horses." "Come 'long, foller me quick as you can," said Bunco, in a whisper "no take gum? no use for dem." Filled with surprise and curiosity, Will and Larry followed their comrade, who went straight towards the window from which the light streamed.

The hot brew spilled over the surprised redskin's legs. There was a yell that rent the stillness. The fellow leaped high into the air, and vanished into the night, leaving the brass kettle behind him." Little did my parents realize that their recounted experiences would eventually lead me, still a boy, to venture into new regions.

The scout saw the redskin's intention instantly, but before he could stop it both he and his enemy were close to the flames. "Me die you die too!" hissed Yellow Elk, and gave another roll, which took both himself and Pawnee Brown into the very edge of the blaze. "Take care! You will be burnt up!" cried Nellie Winthrop, and gave a scream.

The crash of the united volley and the wild huzza which followed caused many a redskin's heart to leap, and would doubtless have caused many a foot to run, but for the fact that their own redskin brother Big Otter was one of the firing party, and, perhaps, the wildest cheerer of the band! The ceremony ended, orders were given to knock off work for the day, and set about the preparation oh supper.

"Is it all clear?" "Aye. I have seen nothing of them ne'er a thing moving." "Well, we will go at once, Joe. Even a redskin's eyes could not make us out from that village now." The horses were at once set in motion. As soon as they had left the path the cords were unfastened, and the five mounted. "Which way, Dave?" Boston Joe asked. "We had better make west.

"What a glorious chase!" exclaimed Victor as they rode slowly back; "I almost wish that white men might have the redskin's heaven and hunt the buffalo for ever." "You'd soon grow tired of your heaven," said Ian, laughing. "I suspect that the soul requires occupation of a higher kind than the pursuing and slaying of wild animals."

In his left hand he carried a cocked revolver, in his right an old-time tomahawk, from which he had refused to be parted when placed on the Indian reservation. The redskin's face was full of the most bitter animosity it is possible to imagine. The glare of wickedness in his eyes fairly put the look that had lived in the wildcat's optics to shame. His snags of yellow teeth were firmly set.