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"Right, sir right," he said, with some energy; "I have always thought, although I niver made bold to say it before, that there was not enough o' this sort o' thing. An' surely since the Almighty made them hunters, He intended them to be hunters, an' won't refuse to make them Christians on that account. A redskin's natur' is a huntin' natur', an' nothin' on arth'll ever make it anything else."

When a redskin's blood's up there ain't no trouble too great for him, and he will follow for weeks to get his revenge; but, take 'em all in all, they are lazy varmint, and as long as there is plenty of deer's meat on hand, they will eat and sleep away their time for weeks."

If I had spoken of buffalo-hunting, or riding, or boating, or even of the redskin's happy hunting-grounds anything under the sun or above it all would have been well and in order, but directly I refer to our own heaven I am sermonising!" "Well, because it's so like the parsons," pleaded Victor. "What then?

I put my coon-skin cap on my ramrod and cautiously poked it from behind the tree, expecting every second to hear the whistle of the redskin's bullet. Instead I heard a jolly voice yell: 'Hey, young feller, you'll have to try something better'n that. I looked and saw a white man standing out in the open and shaking all over with laughter.

"Whatever happens, don't give them the chance to say that we opened the fight. If we start the affair we'll get into all sorts of trouble with the agency." Before they could argue the matter Wolf Ear had gained the timber. Both of the boys were now in the doorway of the cabin. Bang! went the redskin's gun, and the bullet embedded itself in the door-post close to their heads.

Instantly, the Redskin's head was raised. Kiddie fired at it. There was a wild, barbaric yell, and from both sides of the ravine Indians dashed forth from their ambush, riding downward to the attack.

I knew, of course, that it wasn't a redskin's shout. Besides, Indians would have kept quiet till we came alongside." Very hearty were the commendations bestowed on the boy for his courage and thoughtfulness. "You behaved like an old frontiersman," Pearson said. "I couldn't have done better myself. You only made one blunder from the time you set out from shore." "What was that?" Harold asked.

The bee met him, and as she saw that he was ill at ease, she said, "Bear, thou art really pulling a very pitiful face; what has become of all thy gaiety?" "It is all very well for thee to talk," replied the bear, "a furious beast with staring eyes is in Redskin's house, and we can't drive him out."

We've got a good start and 'll git more, for they'll have to hunt up the traces very carefully, and it may be an hour, perhaps more, before they strike upon the right one. Ef the snow had been new fallen we should have had 'em arter us in five minutes; but even a redskin's eye will be puzzled to find out at night one track among such hundreds." "I have but one fear," Pearson said to Harold.

He could see suspicion plainly marked in both, while his heart burned with fire of anger, though resentment was mainly directed to the younger lad, whose inadvertent remarks had cut so deeply into the savage pride. But the redskin's mental observations were suddenly cut short by Bob, who wheeled upon him with a sudden inspiration.