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"Les malheurs des Accadiens sont beaucoup moins leur ouvrage que le fruit des sollicitations et des démarches des missionnaires." Vaudreuil au Ministre, 6 Mai, 1760. "Si nous avons la guerre, et si les Accadiens sont misérables, souvenez vous que ce sont les prêtres qui en sont la cause." Boishébert á Manach, 21 Fév. 1760.

It was the best of the cheaper schools she had seen, and to Dr. Paynter's care she resolved to commit them. As Wandsworth was within an easy distance, she could often go to see them. Another matter kept her somewhat on the qui vive. In spite of Mrs. Ormonde's assurance that De Burgh had forgotten her, Katherine had a strong idea that she had not seen the last of him. Though Mrs.

Mon cher frere, si ma conscience ne me convainquait et ne me confondait de mon infidelite au service de notre bon maitre, je pourrais esperer quelque faveur approchante de celles qu'il a faites aux bien-heureux martyrs avec qui j'avais le bien de converser souvent, etant dans les memes occasions et dangers qu'ils etaient, mais sa justice me fait craindre que je ne demeure toujours indigne d'une telle couronne."

«Les crêtes des sommités qui forment les bords les plus élevés de la gorge, sont escarpées dans la direction du courant.

The lifeboat men, too, were on the qui vive; and, doubtless, the coxswain of each boat, from John o' Groat's to the Land's-end, was overhauling his charge to see that all was right and in readiness for instant service. "It's going to blow to-night, Bax," said Guy, on entering the hovel of the former.

The snow which had prematurely fallen had passed away, and the trappers now found themselves wandering about in a country so beautiful and a season so delightful, that it would have seemed to them a perfect paradise, but for the savage tribes who hovered about them, and kept them ever on the qui vive.

"The average male or female is never in love," pursued Helen. "They are incapable of it. And in this matter I moi qui vous parle am average. At least, I think I am; all evidence goes to prove it, so far. I married my husband because I thought him the most interesting man I had ever met. That was eight years ago, when I was two-and-twenty.

Il y a encore dans la même église, et dans des cercueils de bois, plusieurs corps saints qui sont entiers: les voit qui veut. L'un d'eux avoit eu la tête coupée; on lui en a mis une d'un autre saint Au reste les Grecs ne portent point

That is why Washington does not know whether to be chagrined or angry, whether to disavow or to condone. The discomfited Republicans frankly do not know what to think of it and probably will not so long as the amazing ambassador makes his own rules. "Mais resiste-t-on a' la vertu? Les gens qui n'eurent point de faiblesses sont terribles," observed Sylvestre Bonnard of the redoubtable Therese.

He reached the city just as that distant horizon in the west was lit up by a streak of brilliant crimson from the fast sinking sun: just when had he but known it! on the crest of Mont Saint Jean, Wellington had waved his hat over his head and given the heroic British army exhausted, but undaunted the order for a general charge; just when the Grand Army, finally checked in its advance, had first set up the ominous call that was like the passing-bell of its dying glory: "Sauve qui peut!"