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I had noticed some strange vegetation in the dry flood drifts lower down, and was on the qui vive for something new, but I did not know that. This fine tree was sixty feet long, or high, in the barrel.

"La même fermeté qui sert

See Roby, 1720, Kennedy, 211; also A. 325, 323 and footnote 1; G. 586 with Rem.; H. 521, II. 2 and footnote 1. EXORATUS EST: 'was persuaded'; cf. Liv. 39, 43. SECURI FERIRET: the story was that L. Flamininus himself acted as executioner. EORUM QUI ... ESSENT: the subjunctive because of the class-notion, 'of such persons as were'. TITO CENSORE: i.e. in 189 B.C.; see n. on 1.

He bade her once more to be good, and that God would help her; then he told her the sad story of her own suffering country, la pitie qui estoit au royaume de France. Was it the pity of heaven that the archangel reported to the little trembling girl, or only that which woke with the word in her own childish soul? He has chosen the small things of this world to confound the great.

"Qui est la" says he, and took a pistol from under his pillow. "It is the Marquis of Esmond," says the Colonel, "come to welcome his Majesty to his house of Castlewood, and to report of what hath happened in London. Pursuant to the King's orders, I passed the night before last, after leaving his Majesty, in waiting upon the friends of the King.

Mais il est bien plus fréquent de voir des montagnes dont les couches ont la forme d'une demi-voûte, et qui vues de profil présentent, comme notre montagne de Saleve, un pente douce d'une coté, et des escarpemens de l'autre.

"True," said I, relapsing into seriousness; "and if you will allow me one more quotation, you will see what my author adds with regard to any abrupt interruption. "'Defendez que personne au milieu d'un banquet, Ne vous vienne donner un avis indiscret, Ecartez ce facheux qui vers vous s'achemine, Rien ne doit deranger l'honnete homme qui dine."

Ego L. Metellum memini puer, qui, cum quadriennio post alterum consulatum pontifex maximus factus esset, viginti et duos annos ei sacerdotio praefuit, ita bonis esse viribus extremo tempore aetatis, ut adulescentiam non requireret. Nihil necesse est mihi de me ipso dicere, quamquam est id quidem senile aetatique nostrae conceditur.

We moved very cautiously, for our first fear was that we might be heard from the walls; and, setting aside the extreme doubtfulness of receiving a bullet in the back from a friend, there was the danger of one shot bringing many, as the sentries carried on the alarm, with the result that every Boer in front would be on the qui vive and our venture rendered impossible.

In the twelve foot space which was left the sentries patrolled, and there was no need to ingress the necessity of vigilance upon them; the known vicinity of the enemy put them sufficiently on the qui vive. All, however, was quiet till an hour after midnight, when the sleepers were awakened by a tremendous fusillade, and a storm of bullets came rushing over the zereba.