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Updated: September 6, 2024

The written or reported word remains, and becomes part of that entity outside himself which the stateman is always building or destroying or transforming. Gleanings, vol. vii. p. 100, quoted in Morley's Life, vol. i. p. 211. The same conditions affect other political entities besides parties and statesmen.

Henry, by contracting his eldest son, William, to the daughter of Fulk, detached the prince from the alliance, and obliged the others to come to an accommodation with him. This peace was not of long duration. Chron. Sax. p. 211, 212, 213, 219, 220, 228. H. Hunt p. 380. Hoveden, p. 470. Ann.

Wherefore these are to certify to your fatherhoods, that the said votes of the people were as follows, that is to say: To the first proposition, nemine contradicente; To the second, nemine contradicente; To the third, the like; To the fourth, 211, above half; To the fifth, 201, above half; To the sixth, 150, above half, in the affirmative; To the seventh, nemine contradicente again, and so forth.

The capital city, Indianapolis, which is to-day of surpassing beauty, was not built nor thought of when the boy Lincoln moved into the State. Illinois, with its more than 56,000 square miles of territory, harbored in 1810 only 12,282 people; in 1820, only 55,211, or less than one to the square mile; while in 1825 its population had grown a trifle over 100,000 or less than two to the square mile.

Cousin, p. 193. Ibid. pp. 193 and 211. De la Formation du Foetus. Theoria Generationis, 1759. Anatomie generale, i. p. liv.

In 211 a.h. he proceeded to Fostât and there dismissed Abd Allah ibn es-Sari and replaced him by Ayad ibn Ibrahim, whom he also dismissed the following year, giving the governorship to Isa ibn Yazid, surnamed el-Jalud.

It is of the new facts disclosed and of the further thoughts suggested by them that we must next proceed to tell. Summa, I., ii. 3. Essay on "Atheism and Superstition." Astronomical Discourses , pp. 80, 211.

Conn. Academy Arts and Sciences, XXV, 1-92, April, 1921. 21 pl., map. The Composition, Structure and Hardness of some Peruvian Bronze Axes. American Journal of Science, XXXIV, 128-132, August, 1912. Illus. Herbert E. Gregory: The Gravels at Cuzco. American Journal of Science, XXXVI, No. 211, 15-29, July, 1913. Illus., map. The La Paz Gorge. Ibid., XXXVI, 141-150, August, 1913. Illus.

By the last day of November my preparations for further travel into the regions lying west of Edmonton were completed, and at midday on the 1st December I set out for the Rocky Mountain House. This station, the most Western and southern held by the Hudson Bay Company in the Saskatchewan, is distant from Edmonton about 180 miles by horse trail, and 211 miles by river.

Juxon, bishop of London, who had never desired the treasurer's staff, now earnestly solicited for leave to resign it, and retire to the care of that turbulent diocese committed to him. By some promotions, place was made for St. John, who was created solicitor-general. * Warwick, p, 95. Clarendon, vol. i. p. 210, 211.

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