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Which was so sweetly delivered by my Lord Chancellor Phosphorus to the people, that I dare say there was never a one of them could forbear to do as I do-and, it please your fatherhoods, they be tears of joy. His pillow is of down, and his grave shall be as soft, over which they that are alive shall wring their hands.

As now for a sample: my lords the proposers had no sooner said your minds, than they found it to be that which heart could wish. And your fatherhoods may comfort yourselves, that there is not a people in the world more willing to learn what is for their own good, nor more apt to see it, when you have showed it them.

'Fathers conscript, that you may please to take notice it was foretold some horrid sedition is at hand, we shall only desire that they whose valor in this place is so great, may stand by us to see how we behave ourselves, and then be as resolute in your commands as you will; your fatherhoods may know if we be wanting in the performance.

This repetition of the Seven Vowels gives the following meanings to them: AAA = Living of Living Ones, HHH = Holy of Holy Ones, EEE = Being of Beings, III = Father of Fatherhoods, OOO = God of Gods, YYY=Lord of Lords, ΩΩΩ = Space of Spaces or Æon of Æons.

Wherefore these are to certify to your fatherhoods, that the said votes of the people were as follows, that is to say: To the first proposition, nemine contradicente; To the second, nemine contradicente; To the third, the like; To the fourth, 211, above half; To the fifth, 201, above half; To the sixth, 150, above half, in the affirmative; To the seventh, nemine contradicente again, and so forth.

And to come to your fatherhoods, most truly so called, as being the loving parents of the people, truly you do not know what a feeling they have of your kindness, seeing you are so bound up, that if there comes any harm, they may thank themselves.