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The dragoman answered: "Sidna, vous vous en souvenez" "Speak to me in Arabic, damn you! There is nothing to do here but to learn Arabic." "Quite true, Sidna, we shall not be able to start to-morrow; the rains are beginning again."

"Les malheurs des Accadiens sont beaucoup moins leur ouvrage que le fruit des sollicitations et des démarches des missionnaires." Vaudreuil au Ministre, 6 Mai, 1760. "Si nous avons la guerre, et si les Accadiens sont misérables, souvenez vous que ce sont les prêtres qui en sont la cause." Boishébert á Manach, 21 Fév. 1760.

The general, turning and leaning back on his horse, said to the bold little urchin as the mother snatched him up, "My boy, as long as you live never again go behind a horse's heels." "And remember, it was general Clarendon gave you this advice," added Beauclerc, and turning to Lady Cecilia "'Et souvenez vous que c'est Marechal Turenne qui vous l'a dit."

And alas! she must say "No" to him, she must give him pain; she could not hope to make him understand how could anyone understand? and then, perhaps, he would misjudge her, perhaps he would leave her in anger and not come back any more. Not come back any more! The thought cut with a sharp pang, and in her distress she moved her lips silently in the familiar prayer printed before her: O Marie, souvenez vous du moment supreme Jesus votre divin Fils, expirant sur la croix, nous confia

It will be an awful game if you do, and I'll promise to keep the fellows from grinning. Maintenant, il faut que je close haut. Donnez mon amour a mere et pere, et esperant que vous etes tout droit, souvenez me votre aimant frere, Arthur Herapath. Dig envoie son amour a tous."

Antiquarians have unanimously rejected the fanciful legend adopted by Dugdale concerning the SS collar, as well as many not less ingenious interpretations of the mystic letters; and at the present time it is almost unanimously settled that the SS collar is the old Lancastrian badge, corresponding to the Yorkist collar of Roses and Suns, and that the S is either the initial of the sentimental word 'Souvenez, or, as Mr.

This must have been a bitter experience for General Janssens, for it was not only the crowning misery of his defeat but marked the end of his military career, assuming that his Imperial master retained his power in Europe. "Souvenez vous, Monsieur," Napoleon is reported to have said to him upon taking up his appointment, "Qu'un Génèral Francais ne se laissa pas prendre une seconde fois!"

Apprenez, chiens de Francois, a souffrir, et vous sauvages leurs allies, qui etes les chiens des chiens, souvenez vous de ce que vous devez faire quand vous serez en pareil etat que moi." Hist. N. Y., I. 323-355; La Potherie, III. 270-282; N. Y. Col. Docs., IV. 242.