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"They don't know anything about matches or smoking," he said, turning to Crane. "This rocket will tie them up in a knot. Step back, everybody." He bowed deeply to Nalboon, pulling a lighted match for his ear as he did so, and lighted the fuse.

Hour after hour he labored, a strange, exceedingly complex instrument taking form under his clever fingers. Nalboon Unmasked After a long, sound sleep, Seaton awoke and sprang out of bed. No sooner had he started to shave, however, than one of the slaves touched his arm, motioning him into a reclining chair and showing him a keen blade, long and slightly curved.

But hurrah for this ocean it's ammoniacal copper sulphate solution! We can sure get all the copper we want, right here, but it would take weeks to evaporate the water and recover the metal. We can probably get it easier ashore. Let's go!" They started off just above the surface of the ocean toward the nearest continent, which they had observed from the air. Nalboon of Mardonale

As they approached the entrance, however, Seaton saw the major-domo hurrying away and surmised that he was carrying the news to Nalboon. Outside the door, walking directly toward the landing dock, Dunark spoke in a low voice to Seaton, without turning. "Nalboon knows by this time that we are making our escape, and it will be war to the death from here to the Skylark.

After the meal, Nalboon bade them a ceremonious farewell, and they were escorted to a series of five connecting rooms by the royal usher, escorted by an entire company of soldiers, who mounted guard outside the doors. Gathered in one room, they discussed sleeping arrangements. The girls insisted that they would sleep together, and that the men should occupy the rooms at either side.

"Having saved his life, you and your party should be honored guests of the most honored kind, and I venture to say that you would be so regarded in any other nation of the universe. But Nalboon, the Domak a title equivalent to your word 'Emperor' and our word 'Karfedix' of Mardonale, is utterly without either honor or conscience, as are all Mardonalians.

A scowl of anger was upon his face and he was plainly in an ugly mood. "Stop, Nalboon of Mardonale!" thundered Seaton in the Mardonalian tongue and with the full power of his mighty voice. "Dare you invade my privacy unannounced and without invitation?" The escort shrank back, but the Domak stood his ground, although he was plainly taken aback.

Without a word two keen swords flew from their scabbards and a duel to the death ensued. The visitors stared in amazement, but no one else paid any attention to the combat, which was soon over; the victor turning away from the body of his opponent and resuming his place without creating a ripple of interest. Nalboon led the way into an elevator, which dropped rapidly to the ground-floor level.

I get your idea all right, and we're glad you're peaceable, but your language doesn't mean a thing in my young life." The Chief tapped himself upon the chest, saying distinctly and impressively: "Nalboon." "Nalboon," repeated Seaton, and added, pointing to himself: "Seaton." "See Tin," answered the stranger, and again indicating himself, "Domak gok Mardonale."

Its urgency explains the use of my untried mechanical educator; the hope that my party could escape with yours, in your vessel, explains why you saw me, the Kofedix of Kondal, prostrate myself before that arch-fiend Nalboon." "How do you, a captive prince of another nation, know these things?" asked Crane, doubtfully.