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Albans you should choose to spend the night at a little inn at King's Langley?" "I suppose I am at liberty to sleep where I like?" I retorted. "Perfectly so," replied the stranger. "You will have no difficulty, I presume, in proving your identity?" "Not the slightest," I said. "In fact I have already wired to a friend of mine Mr. Winter, of Hailscombe, St. Albans to come here for the purpose."

Wallick, who had superintended the use of the dredger at Lowenstoft, gave some of his experience there, and repeated the information and opinions given by Mr. Langley in the paper. Mr. Ball, London agent for M. Bazin, said that as devised by M. Bazin the pump was placed below water level, so that the head of water outside should be utilized; but he Mr.

In that rarefied air it was hard to draw the breath of party passion, and the Dictator came across the Langleys as often in the houses of the Opposition as in Ministerial mansions. So it came to pass that something almost approaching to an intimacy sprang up between John Ericson on the one part and Sir Rupert and Helena Langley on the other.

Such an opportunity soon occurred, at least so thought the consul, in the arrival of the "Prometheus," a British war-vessel of 18 guns, but Colonel Langley found, as many have discovered before him, that "there is many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip," for the Dey suddenly took a high position, and absolutely refused to allow the British consul to depart.

The history of the years 1899 to 1903 in the Langley series of experiments contains a multitude of detail far beyond the scope of this present study, and of interest mainly to the designer. There were frames, engines, and propellers, to be considered, worked out, and constructed. We are concerned here mainly with the completed machine and its trials.

The floor of the cave was of clay, and at one spot it appeared to have been recently disturbed. Here Langley began to dig with a pick, which, just below the surface, struck against some hard substance. This, when uncovered, proved to be a bone. He threw it to one aide and dug deeper, uncovering move bones, some old, and others comparatively fresh, but emitting a horrible smell.

She would never have propounded such a query to Father Dominic at Langley, since it would most certainly have ensured her a severe scolding and some oppressive penance; perhaps to lie flat on the threshold of the chapel and let every one pass over her, perhaps to lick the dust all round the base of the Virgin's pedestal.

All his friends must know. And talk how they would chatter and laugh! "You certainly look improved," Irene cried, as she surveyed him admiringly. "You are quite tanned. Fishing or hunting every day, I suppose." "Nearly," he answered. "Cousin Kitty Langley is here to spend the night," Irene went on. "But I can't persuade her to come down to dinner. She is not hungry and is buried in a novel.

He let his hands fall away from the face of the vulture and he caught up the saddle. Langley straightened himself. He peered anxiously at Strann, as if he feared to miss something. "I dunno whether he's livin' right now, or not," suggested Haw-Haw. But Mac Strann was already striding through the door.

Once again the progress was a slow one, for every man had a word for Miss Langley, and he himself was eagerly caught at as they drifted along. But at last they got through the greater crush of the centre rooms and found themselves in a kind of lull in a further saloon where a piano was, and where there were fewer people.