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Miss Austen exhibits in the Royal Academy exhibitions; her works are well hung one on the line. Her favorite subjects are wild animals, and she is successful in the illustration of books. Her pictures are in private collections. At the Royal Academy in 1903 she exhibited "The Day of Reckoning," a wolf pursued by hunters through a forest in snow.

The date of his death, June 24, 1731, suggests some remarkable coincidences. The 24th of June is St. John Baptist's day; Loyard's name was Jean Baptiste; the church he built was called St. Jean Baptiste; it was the first church on the banks of a river named in honor of St. Jean Baptiste. By a pure coincidence the author finds himself penning these words on St. John Baptist's day, 1903.

Already his magnificent constitution had begun to respond to the stimulation of the wonderful mountain air, and filled with enthusiasm he summoned a stenographer and dictated the following cablegram to the secretary of war: "April 15, 1903. "Secwar, "Washington. "Stood trip well, rode horseback 25 miles to 5000 feet altitude. Hope amoebic dysentery cured.

The United States in its Treaty of 1903 with China obtained a pledge from the latter to introduce a uniform national coinage, and the following year, at the request of China, this Government sent to Peking a member of the International Exchange Commission, to discuss with the Chinese Government the best methods of introducing the reform.

Let us turn with high hearts from the tragedies of the past to the glorious possibilities of the future." Our optimism was sadly disappointed when the first occasion came for testing the sincerity of the reunion. A Treasury Report was issued containing proposals for lessening the landlords' bonus under the Purchase Act of 1903 and for increasing the tenants' annuities.

The commission appointed to investigate, during the season of 1903, the condition and needs of the Alaskan salmon fisheries, has finished its work in the field, and is preparing a detailed report thereon.

She says: "This biography consists of reminiscences of Rosa Bonheur's life, her impressions of Nature, God, and Art, with perhaps a short sketch of how I became acquainted with the illustrious woman whose precious maternal tenderness will remain forever the most glorious event of my life." At the Salon des Artistes Français, 1903, Miss Klumpke exhibited a picture called "Maternal Affection."

There were also short reports for 1903 and 1904, which, while showing no practical, tangible results of the efforts of that earnest pioneer worker, are interesting as evidences of the backward, unprogressive spirit against which the women of Alabama have had to contend.

All liquor men, or liquor license men, are opposed to woman's suffrage, for the reason that should women vote, we would have prohibition or abolition of the vice. The women saved prohibition in Topeka in the year 1903 by five hundred majority, while it would have been lost by two hundred if men only had voted. The contest was between the WET and DRY mayors.

It was especially powerful among university students and high school boys and girls the "Sanin-morals" of undergraduates were alluded to in a speech in the Duma. But although the book was published at the psychological moment, it was written with no reference to any post-revolution spirit. For Artsybashev composed his novel in 1903, when he was twenty-four years old.

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