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One of the greatest reforms effected by Americans in the Philippines is the sanitation of the jails and penitentiaries, and we cannot be fairly blamed for not knowing in 1903 what nobody then knew. The troubles in Albay ended with the surrender of Ola on September 25, 1903. Blount gives the impression that he had a knowledge of them which was gained by personal observation.

And so the thing was settled that was how Hubbard's expedition had its birth. More than a year passed, however, before Hubbard was able to make definite arrangements to get away. I believe it was in February, 1903, that the telephone bell in my law office rang, and Hubbard's voice at the other end of the wire conveyed to me the information that he had "bully news." "Is that so?" I said.

The Prince's most noteworthy statement was made in the Reichstag in 1903, when, in answer to Leader-of-the-Opposition Bebel, the Prince said, "One thing at least, the Emperor is no Philistine," and proceeded to explain, rather negatively and disappointingly, that the Emperor possesses what the Greeks call megalopsychia a great soul.

Now that it was proposed that he should stay the winter in the north, all that he had created in Yalta his house and his garden seemed unnecessary and objectless. In the end he returned to Yalta and set to work on "The Cherry Orchard." In October, 1903, the play was finished and he set off to produce it himself in Moscow.

In 1903, a newspaper in Russia sent out thousands of blanks to high school boys and girls all over the country, to discover what books constituted their favourite reading. Among native authors, Tolstoi was first, closely followed by Gorki; among foreign writers, Guy de Maupassant was the most popular!

Radium colors glass violet; transforms oxygen into ozone, white phosphorus to red; electrifies various gases and liquids, including petroleum and liquid air. Professor Sir William Crookes, the world's greatest living physicist and experimental scientist, said of radium in the June of this 1903:

Birrell's bland acquiescence in milder prologues to Home Rule, a new plan of campaign is, even now, being devised, charged with sinister consequences from which all men in 1903 trusted that Ireland would be for ever absolved.

I can perhaps best illustrate my theory of action by two specific examples. In New York Governor Odell and Senator Platt sometimes worked in agreement and sometimes were at swords' points, and both wished to be consulted. To a friendly Congressman, who was also their friend, I wrote as follows on July 22, 1903: "I want to work with Platt. I want to work with Odell.

At the Salon of the Champ de Mars she exhibited a portrait in pastel, in 1901; at exhibitions of the Society of American Artists in 1898 and 1899 she exhibited miniatures; also pictures in oils at Worcester, 1903. <b>BALL, CAROLINE PEDDLE.</b> Honorable mention at Paris Exhibition, 1900. Member of the Guild of Arts and Crafts and of Art Students' League. Born at Terre Haute, Indiana.

One of the leaders in the "return to nature" movement which has reached such wide proportions of recent years, he has held his position as its prophet and interpreter against the assaults of younger, more energetic, but narrower men. Prominent in the same field is Liberty Hyde Bailey, since 1903 director of the College of Agriculture at Cornell University.