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Suddenly, without warning, Evangeline went off into a series of shrill shrieks. "Stop me! Stop me! Don't l-let Stefana hear me! Don't l-let me laugh!" This was an urgent case fits or something, surely! Miss Theodosia's eyes sought the horizon for a reformed doctor. In lack of one, she shook Evangeline. "Stop at once! Make yourself stop; count ten!" "One! Two-o!

Sherman paused, having seen a startled glance pass from Lloyd to Eugenia. "Surely you haven't been near any of those people, have you? Passed them on the road, or met them at the station at any time?" There was a long pause in which nobody answered, and in which Betty could hear her heart beat fast. "Lloyd, answer me," insisted Mrs. Sherman. "Eu-Eugenia won't l-let me!" sobbed the Little Colonel.

Beaver, dragged him bumping down the stair, and dropped him beneath one of the lights. He gripped the little man's collar, glanced menacingly into the distorted face, and remarked: "Paying off some of them infernal debts you spoke of?" "L-Let m-m-me g-go! L-Looking's f-f-free, ain't it?" His thin voice rose with each word till it reached a hissing shriek. "Yes, the show seems to be free.

I asked you to tell all you saw and heard during the fight." Answer. "I-I w-will if you'll l-let me. J-jest you keep still a minute and l-l-let me t-talk. I-I c-can't t-t-talk very well anyway. C-can't talk near as well as you. B-but I can say a he-heap more. Whe-whe-when you talk so much, ye-ye-you g-get me to st-st-st-stuttering. S-see? Now listen to that." State's Attorney. "Well, go on."

Punched him afore he cud even pull his gun; never heerd o' no sich miracle afore in this yere camp. Why, Lord, that fellar 's quicker 'n chain-lightnin'; I 've seen him onlimber more 'n once." "I-I reckon h-h-he won't be v-very likely ter l-let up on yer now, M-m-mister W-Winston," put in the young giant cautiously. "H-he ain't ther kind t-ter fergit no sich d-d-deal."

"They can call me a C-C-Come-Outer all they want to. I I don't care if they do. Let 'em, I say; l-let 'em! They can p-p-poke their fun and p-p-p-pup-pup-poke it, but I tell 'em to h-heave ahead and p-pup-pup-POKE. When I used to g-go to their old Reg'lar meetin' house, all I done was to go to sleep. But I don't go to sleep here, glory hallelujah! No, sir!

He ride me till he drop dead, swift, quick, like de bird fly. So I make eet all right, señor. You see ven de daylight come I be San Juan. Den I make mooch fun for de Señor Farnham sure I do." "I-I reckon you 'll m-make it all right, l-l-little girl," answered the man regretfully, his voice hushed to a low growl, "b-but jest the same I a-ain't so darn g-g-glad ter l-let yer go.

But Cleone shrank down and down away from him, until she was crouching on the floor, yet staring up at him with wide and awful eyes. "You!" she whispered. "Don't!" he cried. "Ah, don't look at me like that and oh, my God! W-won't you l-let me t-touch you, Clo?" "I I'd rather you wouldn't;" and Barnabas saw that she was shivering violently.

L-let some one else do that. Poor poor child! Trust in Providence, my love, and and bear up. Ah, how I wish I had a stronger mind, and could be of more service to you!" "It's a message from father," said Octavia. "Nothing is the matter. He's all right. He got in on Saturday." "Ah!" panted Miss Belinda. "Are you quite sure, my dear are you quite sure?" "That's what he says. Listen."

He's rich, and he'll perjure more witnesses, he'll manipulate the court with his money. Yes, and I'd rather he succeeded than see you No, no! What am I saying? L-let me go; let me get away from here!" She broke down, and went sobbing out into the corridor. The iron door clanged to behind her. On the same afternoon, Mr. Clifford, accompanied by Anson, the lawyer, took the 3.20 train for Colon.