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"I'd rather marry a man with two pounds a week if I loved him," said Hannah in a low tone. "Not in this century," said Miriam, shaking her head incredulously. "We don't believe in that nonsense now-a-days. There was Alice Green, she used to talk like that, now look at her, riding about in a gig side by side with a bald monkey."

For a long while the boys sat and talked over this strange episode, each suggesting plans and then discarding them as unwise. Suddenly Chester sprang to his feet with an exclamation. "What is it?" asked Hal eagerly. "We'll take it ourselves!" he exclaimed. "We will, eh?" said Hal incredulously. "Would you mind telling me how?" "I won't tell you anything," was Chester's reply.

She'd send me away an' I don't want to go now, indade I don't." "To the dance?" repeated Ethel, incredulously. Try as she would she could not rid herself of the feeling that Peg was there to watch her. "To the DANCE?" she asked again. "Yes. Mr. Jerry took me." "JERRY took you?" "Yer mother wouldn't let me go. So Jerry came back for me when ye were all in bed and he took me himself.

You'd have trouble enough on your hands without having to go out and raise money, too, if your new Pemberton Street barn should burn up with half a million dollars' worth of cars in it which it is quite possible it may do at almost any time." "What! The new barn?" said the magnate, incredulously. "Why, my boy, that barn is the latest thing in fireproof construction!

Jim lit a cigarette and threw himself into a chair. For a few moments he puffed in silence, taking deep inhalations and blowing the smoke against the lighted tip, so that it showed all the rugged, strength of his superb head. "What would you say, Bupps, if I told you everything would come out all right?" "And Helen stay with you?" I asked incredulously.

It won't hurt him to have to walk to New York, and I don't care if he never gets there. What worries me, though, is who'll look after those cattle, and go down to the stock-yard with them, now that he's gone." "Why couldn't I do it?" asked Rod eagerly. "I'd be glad to." "You!" said Conductor Tobin incredulously. "Why, you look like too much of a gentleman to be handling cattle."

I stared at him incredulously, as I always did when confronted by his astonishing "deductions," and simply said, "Tell this little Missourian all about it." "It did sound well, reeled off like that, didn't it?" he observed, chuckling more at my air of eager curiosity than at his own achievement. "But it's absurdly easy, after all.

The farmer was, of course, "pretty considerably," astonished at the quality and powers of the persons who addressed him, and, rather incredulously asked if they were quite sure that they could perform all which they professed. "O certainly! not a doubt of it.

'This is the happiest day of my life, Lesbia murmured, in a pause of their reading, when they had dropped Endymion's love to talk of their own. 'But not of mine, my angel. I shall be happier still when we are far away on broader waters, beyond the reach of all who can part us. 'Can any one part us, Gomez, now that we have pledged ourselves to each other? she asked, incredulously.

"Can't be one of the Yaquis. They wouldn't be this near. And if they was they'd be too big cowards to ride right for us this way." "This isn't any unfriendly Indian!" declared Bud. "He knows us and we know him!" "How come?" demanded Snake, half incredulously. "Can't you see?" cried Bud. "It's our own Indian Buck Tooth!" "Wow!" shouted Yellin' Kid. "So it is! But I'd never have known him.