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"That was very considerate of you," I sneered. "You keep out of this, Warren!" "I'm damned if I do," I retorted. "I at least have a brother's right to tell you that a man who will sneak into another's home to make love to his wife, behind his back, and then " Woods turned quickly. "That's a lie, and you know it." Jim put his hand on my shoulder. He knew I was ready to fight. "Don't, Bupps!"

Helen was still at Mary's, and her presence on a visit there was so natural that it hid her separation from Jim better than if she had gone home to mother. I was just leaving for court one morning when Jim called me into his office. There was a gleam of triumph in his eyes and his whole attitude was one of cheerful excitement. "Have you a minute, Bupps?" "Only a minute, Jim.

God, Bupps! If you only knew how much I love her and how hard I've tried to make her love me. And she did love me till Woods came along." I hurried up my dressing, turning over in my mind the details of Jim's married life. In the light of the latest developments, I realized the painful fact that I was partly to blame myself. Helen hadn't really loved Jim when she married him.

"I think I will " she answered, smiling, "for a brother." She started to open the door, but I grasped her hand. "Mary, do be serious! You know I love you." She haughtily drew herself up in all the majesty of her five feet three inches and commanded: "Unhand me, villain! I spurn your tempting offer." Then earnestly, "Let me go, Bupps! I've got to put these flowers away."

He had had a bath and a shave and had put on a dinner-coat, looking a lot more fit to grapple with his troubles than he had the last time I had seen him. Only in his eyes did he show the shock he'd received that day. "Communing with yourself in the dark, Bupps?" his voice was natural and easy. "Yes," I sighed, "I've been trying to see a way out of this mess."

I suppose that means YOU'RE infectious. Really, it's very inconvenient. Well, I'm glad we didn't know yesterday or you couldn't have gone to the dance." "Dear fairy godmother!" said Cinderella to herself. "She was a day too late, but how sweet of her to think of it at all!" ANNESLEY BUPP was born one of the Bupps of Hampshire the Fighting Bupps, as they were called.

"Well," I said, "you've got to see Helen as soon as they will let you and as often as they'll let you, so that the first time she speaks, you'll be there to hear what she says." "But suppose she dies, Bupps?" "Even while she is unconscious," I went on, disregarding her query, "she may say something that will give us a clue. I'm going out to the bridge right after lunch." "What for?" Mary asked.

Mary was chatting with the little interne, but as soon as she saw my face, she hurried toward me. "You look as though you'd seen a ghost. What was it, Bupps?" "Not here!" I cautioned. "Wait until we get outside!" We walked down the broad sunlit steps and climbed into the car. I felt like a traitor to let Mary even think that I suspected Helen, but my questions had to be answered.

She opened the door and came quickly to the car. The tragic news of the night before had taken the laughter out of her eyes and the buoyancy from her step. "I could cry my eyes out, Bupps," she said as she climbed into the car. "Don't do it, or I'll start, too," I responded, a lump coming in my throat. "How did it happen?" she asked, as we drove away.

Where are you now?" He listened a moment. "I understand Eight-thirty promptly? I'll be there Yes, I understand I'll be there." He hung up the receiver and looked at me with twinkling eyes. "The shoe is beginning to pinch, Bupps. That was Woods. He asks me to meet him alone this evening at the country-club, at eight-thirty promptly.