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"Oh!" said Riccabocca. Then, after a long whiff, "Did you ever see her play with the little children? Is she fond of children, do you think?" "Lord, sir, you guess everything! She's never so pleased as when she's playing with the babies." "Humph!" grunted Riccabocca. "Babies! well, that's woman-like. I don't mean exactly babies, but when they're older, little girls?"

I know he's mighty fond of eatin' an' sleeping but I guess that's about as fer as it goes." "I made a discovery this morning, Captain," was the quiet reply. "Ye did! In what way?" "I discovered that your son has a great fondness for drawing." "Humph!" the captain grunted, as he gave the wheel a quick, savage turn to the right. "Say, I nearly ran through that salmon net.

If he were unconscious of the slip, it was more than were his auditors, and for a moment they all exchanged glances in silent bewilderment. "Humph!" finally growled the squire. "I like the look of him still less." "He holds himself like a gentleman," asserted Tabitha. "This fellow will need close watching," predicted Mr. Meredith. "He 's no yokel. He moves like a gentleman or a house-servant.

Such commendations had been bestowed upon his bravery, that he could not, for the life of him, help postponing the explanation for a few delicious minutes; during which he had flourished, in the very zenith of a brief reputation for undaunted courage. 'Rose wished to see the man, said Mrs. Maylie, 'but I wouldn't hear of it. 'Humph! rejoined the doctor.

"I can't imagine it Frank Blaisdell spending his mornings playing golf!" "You forget," smiled Miss Maggie. "Frank Blaisdell is a retired business man. He has begun to take some pleasure in life now." "Humph!" muttered Mr. Smith, as he turned to go into his own room. Mr. Smith called on the Frank Blaisdells that evening. Mr.

"I'll try not to," he said, soberly. She nodded. "Of course," she observed, "we shan't mind you doing a few, because you can't help that. But you mustn't sit still and not pay attention when we talk for ever and ever so long. I I don't know precactly what I and Petunia would do if you wouldn't talk to us, Uncle Jed." "Don't, eh? Humph! I presume likely you'd get along pretty well.

Of course if we take up any work for you, we must confide to a certain extent in our close associates and trusted mechanics." "Humph!" grunted the visitor, turning restlessly again in his chair. Then he said: "I agree as the necessity of that last statement; but I can only hope that these walls are soundproof." "What's that?" demanded Tom, rather sharply.

"Then what does this mean?" said the King, taking up the scrap of paper. The woman took it, looked at it blankly, and passed it back. "I don't know," she said. "It is a foreign tongue." "Humph!" ejaculated the King. "This is strange, madam. That paper lay beneath my plate, and some one must have been watching us at our meal." "No, my lord," said the woman; "it is impossible.

Nick Grylls big man, rich man, everybody lak to be friend with him. Nick Grylls say him come to help 'Erbe't. Him give 'Erbe't ver' fine gun." "Humph! Mabyn will pay dear for it!" Garth exclaimed. "I say so him," Rina said eagerly. "Me, I tell 'Erbe't everybody see Nick Grylls him jus' mak' a fool of you. What he want with you? He want her for himself. 'Erbe't on'y laugh.

"And flower beds with borders of white shells," Amy finished for her. "I know just what you mean, Mollie; I've seen them myself." "Girls," said Betty, jumping up from the overturned suitcase she was using for a seat, and speaking impressively, "I have a feeling " here she paused for effect. "I have a feeling," she continued, "that we are going to have a good time." "Humph," snorted Mollie.