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We prefer giving the following curious description of the manner of conducting the Congress in the original quaint and antiquated French: "La forme duquel Congrez est, qui le iour et heure prins, et les Expers connenus ou nommez (qui sont ordinairement ceux mêmes qui ont fait la visitation lesquels partant n'ont garde de se contrarier ny de rapporte que l'homme y a fait l'intromission ayant desia (déj

«Nous avions mis une heure et un quart

And did you, amico, actually organize this banquet, merely to welcome back so unworthy a person as myself?" "Solely and entirely for that reason," I replied. He jumped up from his chair and clapped his two hands on my shoulders. "A la bonne heure! But why, In the name of the saints or the devil, have you taken such a fancy to me?" "Why have I taken such a fancy to you?" I repeated, slowly.

Though she loves retirement, and shuns 'le grande monde', yet she confesses herself obliged to the Marquis for having procured her so inestimable, so accomplished an acquaintance as yourself; but her concern is how to amuse you: for she never suffers play at her house for above a livre; if you can amuse yourself with that low play till supper, 'a la bonne heure'. Accordingly you sit down to that little play, at which the good company takes care that you shall win fifteen or sixteen livres, which gives them an opportunity of celebrating both your good luck and your good play.

She had inquisitive eyes, a pointed, prying nose, and I knew her to be the village gossip, the wife of Jules, Monsieur Vigo's clerk. She had the same smattering of English as her husband. Now she stood regarding me narrowly between half-closed lids. "A la bonne heure! Que fais-tu donc? What do you do so early?" "The garrison is getting ready to leave for Kentucky to-day," I answered. "Ha! Jules!

Je ne voudrais pas manquer de courtoisie; but above all I would not intrude et je suis tres dispose a me retirer de tres bonne heure. Seulement j'aimerais a etre fixe pour prendre tous mes arrangements.

"When we sold the London house, all papers and documents were sent down here. We reserved a room which was locked up." "A la bonne heure! Of course there they are." But all the same great unwillingness to search. It was most unlikely he would be able to find anything most unlikely there was anything to find. He was sure he had sent back everything.

Sur Napoleon au berceau une mere brillait; dans la maison paternelle il avait des freres et des soeurs; plus tard dans son palais il eut une femme qui l'aimait. Mais sur son lit de mort Napoleon est seul; plus de mere, ni de frere, ni de soeur, ni de femme, ni d'enfant!! D'autres ont dit et rediront ses exploits, moi, je m'arrete a contempler l'abandonnement de sa derniere heure!

Would you saunter at some of the small courts, as Brunswick, Cassel, etc., till the Carnival at Berlin? You are master. Would you pass a couple of months at Ratisbon, which might not be ill employed? 'A la bonne heure'. Would you go to Brussels, stay a month or two there with Dayrolles, and from thence to Mr. Yorke, at The Hague? With all my heart.

It was not a fortune, but a la bonne heure it was better than it used to be! 'Faith! said M. Loyal, reluctantly; a bed, monsieur, and fire to cook with, and a candle. And they share their supper with those soldiers. It is not possible that they could eat alone. 'And what allowance do they get for this? said we.