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"I don't think I said." "Mystery-making!" The big man's gruffness had a suggestion of amusement in it. "But of course it would be simple enough to find out from town." "See here, Mr. Vanney, Miss Van Arsdale is still something of an invalid " "After all these years," interposed the other, in the tone of one who ruminates upon a marvel.

He was quite sure that he started them with a creditable gruffness, but the Christmas air mellowed them in a highly unsatisfactory fashion, so that they fell on his own ears quite otherwise than as he had meant they should sound. Moreover the general tenor of the conversation was exceedingly perplexing.

With loving congratulations the rest of the group gathered about Mr. Britton, who was nearly speechless with emotion. As Mr. Underwood wrung his hand he exclaimed, with assumed gruffness, "Jack, old partner, you thought you'd got a monopoly on that boy of yours, but I've got in on the deal at last!" "You haven't got any the best of me, Dave," Mr.

Flora knew that he liked her visits, however; so, with prayers in her heart and the Bible in her hand, she persevered hopefully, yet with such delicacy that the gruff old man became gruffer daily, as his conscience began to reprove him for his gruffness.

He thought she had come to console him, and felt a gust of impatience, for he did not like any meddling with his affairs. He replied: "Whenever we like." She blushed, and said: "Oh! it was not an indiscreet question!" He was sorry for his gruffness, and took her hands: "I beg your pardon," he said. "I am always afraid of his being blamed. Poor boy!

Till we meet again." Peter started down the stair, hesitated, turned and came back again. "Larry," he said, with sudden gruffness, "of course, we 've both been thinking that if it hadn't been for me, none of this mess would have happened. I kick myself when I think " "Drop it, Peter. Nobody in the world could have foreseen "

He entered his name on the register with a flourish, "Bartley J. Hubbard and Wife, Boston," and asked for a room and fire, with laconic gruffness; but the clerk knew him at once for a country person, and when the call-boy followed him into the parlor where Marcia sat, in the tremor into which she fell whenever Bartley was out of her sight, the call-boy discerned her provinciality at a glance, and made free to say that he guessed they had better let him take their things up to their room, and come up themselves after the porter had got their fire going.

What was passing in his mind, the boys did not suspect, and they feared lest he should refuse. But presently he got up, saying, with gruffness which was assumed to hide a sudden tenderness in the old sailor's heart, "I ken do't fur ye, lad, I s'pose! tho' I call ye foolish all the same. The 'Gull' be engaged fur the next run, but the next arter that ye shall hev yer boards an' yer carpenter."

Philip did not answer him, and he thought he had fallen asleep. But he was roused from his first slumber by Hepburn's soft movements about the room. Philip had thought better of it, and, with some penitence in his heart for his gruffness to the unoffending Coulson, was trying not to make any noise while he undressed. But he could not sleep.

"God bless you, little girl!" he said cheerily. "A man's fortunate who finds such oases along his desert-trail!" It was not Bill's gruffness, but Lahoma's charm that warned him to flee lest he break his promise to her guardians.