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Lend a hand!" Manuel pitched in, and when the three had ended their labours, they waited for Petra and Senor Ignacio to finish chatting. Petra was recounting Manuel's latest exploits to her cousin and the cobbler listened smilingly. The man bore no signs of gruffness; he was blond and beardless; upon his upper lip sprouted a few saffron-hued hairs.

And as Elsie Verriner uttered the words he was teased by a vague sense that the scene had happened before, that somewhere before in their lives it had been duplicated, word by word and move by move. "Sit down," he said with an effort at the gruffness of assured authority. But the young woman did not do as he commanded.

What a boor he makes of himself to cover his designs! Here is a bag of trouble, and necessity has forced our hands into it. For all his gruffness and seeming impatience, D'Hérouville has never yet made a blunder or a mistake. Take care." "Why do you warn me?" Victor was full to the lips with rage. "Because, hang me, I like your wit.

She couldn't have understood why her pulse quickened as he knelt beside her, looking so earnestly and soberly into her face. Then she felt the touch of his fingers on her shoulder. "Wake up, Beatrice," he commanded, with pretended gruffness. "It's after ten, and you've got to cook my breakfast." She stirred, pretending difficulty in opening her eyes. "Get right up," he commanded again.

The new king, Jerome, who declared, "Je veux qu'on respecte la dignite de l'homme et du citoyen," bestowed, it is true, many and great benefits upon his subjects; the system of flogging, so degrading to the soldier, was abolished, the judicature was improved, the administration simplified, and the German in authority, notwithstanding his traditionary gruffness, became remarkable for urbanity toward the citizens and peasants.

Under his gruffness there was a lot of sentiment and tenderness. After his reserved moments, when he was silent and cold, he would burst forth into indulgences of fine, dry humor, like an effervescent fluid which gains in sparkling vigor by remaining corked awhile.

The voice was gruff yet mellow; despite its gruffness it had the ring of a latent kindliness in its deep tones. The man who owned it was seated on a level with our elbows, at a cobbler's bench. We stopped to let the crowd push on beyond us. The man had only lifted his head from his work, but involuntarily one stopped to salute the power in it.

There were oyster-stands, stalls of oranges, and booths with gilt gingerbread and toys for the children. The mob were quiet, civil, and remarkably good-humoured, making allowance for the national gruffness; there was no riot.

I remember him that last night after supper strapping his bag onto his bike and starting off down our quiet old street on his way to the station. "To-morrow," he said, "I'll stop off in Leipsic. I want to have a look at the college that stirred my young grandfather up for life. I've got his diary with me." Again, in spite of the gruffness, I felt that wistful quality in him.

Mallard eyed with fresh curiosity the gentleman who had "fallen back on landscape." "What did you formerly aim at?" he inquired, with a sort of suave gruffness. "Things which were hopelessly out of the question. I worked for a long time at a 'Death of Messalina. That was in Rome. I had a splendid inspiration for Messalina's face.