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"With the business that brought you to this country," answered Clubbe, with a sudden gruffness; for he was, like the majority of big men, shy. Barebone looked at him across the table. "Do you know what the business is that brought me to this country?" he asked. And Captain Clubbe looked thoughtfully at the point of his pen.

Sheridan," he said, with a sort of boyish gruffness, not yet releasing her hands, "my wife was an angel. I always knew it but I wish I could tell her so just once more!" "Ah, that's the very hardest thing about death," Mrs. Sheridan said, sitting down, and quite frankly wiping from her eyes the tears that sympathy for his sorrow had made spring again. "We'd always want one more hour!"

Then he glanced keenly into his clerk's face. "Nothing more," he said. "You can go." It was significant of the man that, notwithstanding his hour of triumph, he did not depart in the slightest degree from the cold gruffness of his tone. The little speech which his clerk had prepared seemed to stick in his throat.

Peter flushed hotly as he read the letter. 'He has no business to bring my mother's name into it, he said savagely; and then the full force of the thing smote him as he realised that perhaps his mother was the mother of this man Purvis too. 'Have a drink? said Ross, with a pretence of gruffness. It was oppressively hot, and Peter had been riding all the previous night.

Jones?!" He tried it in three different accents, without extracting any particular meaning therefrom. "Nothing much in the political game," he decided. It was with a mingling of gruffness and dignity that he greeted Mr. Waldemar an hour later. The introduction to Average Jones he acknowledged with a curt nod. "Want a job for this young man, Waldemar?" he grunted.

He had apparently outgrown his fits of unbalanced talkativeness, and had become, with the difficult years, one of those boys who speak with almost comical rarity, and then with unemotional gruffness. This power of reticence never fails to win respect, if of a half-irritated, half-resentful order, and Ishmael held a certain position in the school.

Sammy flinched at that; and he said "Ouch!" once, and screwed up his face, when the doctor his gruffness all gone, his eyes gentle and sad, his hand as light as a mother's worked the joint, and felt the knee-cap and socket with the tips of his fingers. "And is this the rheumatiz the Prompt Exterminator is to cure, Sammy?" he asked. "Ith, zur." "Ah, is that where it hurts you?

The rugs, which were very large, covered our legs; and our shoulders sank into a really luxurious bed of softness. Yet neither of us apparently felt sleepy. I certainly didn't, and Shorthouse, dropping his customary brevity that fell little short of gruffness, plunged into an easy run of talking that took the form after a time of personal reminiscences.

In any case, no matter how clever she might be, she was mistaken if she imagined she had caught him. To prove this he wilfully exaggerated his gruffness and curtness of manner. Her very anguish at his words and demeanour made her rise, and in her turn she examined him, though without daring to look him straight in the face.

Hilda, Jason, too, had learned that phrase, and he spoke it with a gruffness that made the girl smile: "Good-night, Mavie."