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Updated: August 5, 2024

We couldn't gib him more'n two, 'cause he'd hab to hide what he couldn't eat at once, an' de drivers would be sure to diskiver 'em. But two biskits could be gobbled quick on de sly, an' would help to make him fat, an' to make you easy." "So they would," said Hester, eagerly entertaining the idea after this explanation; "you're a clever girl, Sally " "You say I's stoopid jest now!"

"At first I was about ter be a little reckless and kick 'cause ther buttons was all off, but since I diskiver that the button holes is all busted out, why, I wouldn't go so fur as to say the buttons is any loss to speak of." "Oh, well," said his wife, carelessly, "put on your necktie that'll keep it together."

"What folks want now is a detective story. Feller sees a hole in a fence an' says, 'Ha! there's ben a murder! Somebody asks what makes him think so, an' the detective feller says, takin' out a magnifie-in' glass, 'Thet hole's a bullet-hole, an' the traces o' blood aroun' the edges shows the bullet went through a human body afore it went through the fence. 'Then, says some one, 'where's the body? 'That, says the detective, 'is what we mus' diskiver. So the story goes on to show how the body were diskivered an' who did the murderin'."

I'm goin' ter advocate peace as strong es any man kin but I'm goin' ter tell 'em, too, thet ther Harpers kin give 'em unshirted hell ef they disdains peace. I'm goin' ter pledge ourselves ter holp diskiver an' penitenshery ther man thet shot at old Jim Rowlett. Does thet suit ye?"

"Wal, no, stranger, but I wants to git some money changed, and I'll be durned if I can diskiver a bank in this yar village." "Bin sellin' niggers, eh?" "You're out thar," replied the planter. "I've bin sellin' cotton." "I'm jist the man to help yer! I'm gwine to my bank. Gin me yer money, and come along with me and I'll change it for yer!"

"Who's goin' ter diskiver what route she rides?" demanded one of those annoyingly exact persons who mar all great dreams by the injection of practicalities. Again Jase laughed. "Thar hain't but one way she kin go hit'll be days afore any other route's fordable. She's got ter fare past Crabapple post office an' through Wolf-pen gap." That afternoon Brent went to the telegraph office.

He made no pretence of abstaining on principle. One of the younger men, who was blowing a stiff cloud, ventured to ask him whether he really thought these things wrong. "Well, now," he replied quietly, with a twinkle in his eye, "I'm no parson, boys, that I should set up to diskiver what's right an' what's wrong. I've got my own notions on them points, you bet, but I'm not goin' to preach 'em.

Ebony," said the rider at last, "I feel sure you are deceiving me that you hope to conceal me here, but it is of no use, I tell you, for I won't remain concealed." "No, massa, I not deceive you. I bring you here to show you de stronary place I hab diskiver, an ax you what you t'ink ob him." "Well, show it me quickly, and then let us hasten home."

Anyhow you uns kin come 'long with me an' find out, but ye'll diskiver him 'bout ther ornerest man jist now ever ye run up agin. He 's plum mad, Red is, fer sartain." He turned and strode off, without so much as giving us a backward glance, and, with a hearty congratulatory kick to the mule, I and my company followed him.

Then he inquired: "How come ye ter diskiver wh'ar I was at, Jake?" The officer shook his head. "Thet's a question I hain't got ther power ter answer ye, Ken. Somebody over thar got tidin's somehow and drapped a hint ter ther Commonwealth's Attorney." With a nod of comprehension the man who was wanted accepted that explanation. He had not expected a fuller one.

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