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Updated: August 12, 2024

Them fellers was guerrillas, as sure as you're born, just as Corpril Elliott described 'em before we crossed the river." MUCH to their amazement, the boys waked up the next morning in Nashville, and found that they had passed through the "dark and bloody ground" of Kentucky absolutely without adventure.

She gave him a hearty grasp, which reassured him a little, for there was nothing in it, at least, of the derision which seemed to ring in every note of her voice and laughter. "Girls," she called, "come up and be introduced. This is Mr. Corpril Elliott, Si's best friend and partner. I call him Mr.

"After we pass Nashville you kin begin to look out for 'em." "Why," Gid Mackall complained to the rest of them, "Corpril Elliott said that we could begin to look out for guerrillas jest as soon's we crossed the Ohio that the whole o' Kentucky was full of 'em. I believe Corpril Elliott knows more about his business than Sargint Klegg. Sargint Klegg seems careless like.

I'd ruther be the tail end o' the 200th Injianny, than the Drum Major o' any other." "That's all right," they shouted. "We're glad we're in the 200th Injianny, but we want to be in Co. "Well, you can't all be in Co. Q. Only six and one-half of you. The rest's got to go to other companies." "Say, Corpril," spoke up Harry Joslyn, "you'll see that I git in, won't you?

"Now," said Si, "pack your rations carefully in your haversacks, just as you see me and Corpril Elliott doin'. First, keep your sugar, coffee and salt separate. Put 'em in little tin boxes, like these, and see that the lids are on tight. Hurry up, now. Shorty, you'd better look over the boxes, and go up and draw as many cartridges as you think we'll need."

"I heard," said Henry Joslyn, "that Corpril Elliott was the first to reach the rebel flag, he havin' much the longest legs, but jest as he grabbed it a big rebel knocked him, and then they all piled on to him, and about had him finished when Serg't Klegg reached there at a charge bayonets, and he bayoneted everybody in sight, until a sharpshooter in a tree shot him with an explosive bullet that tore his breast all to pieces, but he kept right on bayonetin' 'em till he dropped from loss o' blood.

An' lemme tell you, Young Capn', ef you ur Ole Cap'n doan lemme go wid you, I'se gwine wid dat nigger corpril an' dat white man what 'long to a nigger regiment, an' I know you don't want me to bring no sech disgrace on de fambly dat way no, suh.

"There's rebels over there, sure as you're born," murmured Jim to them, without turning his head to relax his fixed gaze nor taking his finger from the trigger of his cocked gun. "Wish they'd fire a gun first to convince that old terror of a Corpril, who thinks he kin tell where rebels is just by the smell. I'd " "Sh! Jim, I hear a hoss's hoofs," said Harry Joslyn.

The others got tired o' being mauled around, and starved, and tyrannized over, and o' fighting for the nigger, and they skipped for home like sensible men." The boys shuddered at the doleful picture. "Who brung you here?" continued the newcomer. "Sarjint Klegg and Corpril Elliott," answered Harry. "Holy smoke," said the newcomer with a look of disgust.

"COME, hustle these prisoners back into the car in which we were," commanded the Lieutenant. "We'll leave it on the switch with a guard. Lock it up carefully, and one man'll be enough to guard it until we get back. Make haste, for we've no time to lose. Shorty." "Corpril Elliott," Shorty corrected him, mindful of the presence of Sergeant Bob Ramsey. "Yes; excuse me.

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