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Updated: August 12, 2024

Their numbers was greatly superior to ours, and they had prepared a cunning trap for us, which we only escaped by the vigilance of Corpril Elliott and the generalship of Serg't Klegg. I tell you, those men are a dandy team when it comes to running a battle. They know their little biz, and don't you forget it for a minute.

He's in there, and'll try to sneak out the back way." As Shorty ran around the corner he came face-to-face with a stalwart Irishman, one of the pluckiest of the squad brought from Jeffersonville. His face was drawn and white with fright, and he fumbled at his beads. "O, Corpril," he said, with chattering teeth, "Oi've jist sane the very divil himself, so Oi have.

Just before the horsemen were to start I overheard Private Tom Clary, who was mounted on Frank's recent equine acquisition, Sancho, say to the boy: "Corpril Frank, laddie, can ye give me the Naviho words for whoa and get up? I'm afeared the little baste 'll not understand me English, and may attimpt to lave for his troibe." "You needn't speak to him, Tom.

"I've been watchin' the Sargint and Corpril, and they're acting just as if it was every day bizniss. I'm not going to expect anything till I see them lookin' serious."

Hearing this, I started for the secret postern, and as I opened my door, heard the honest old soldier shout: "Corpril uv th' guard, No. 1!" and, in a lower and appealing tone: "Liftinint, if ye hear me, come quick to the little sargint. I fear th' dear b'y is dyin'."

"No he ain't," said Pete Skidmore, whose vanity was touched as well as his cupidity aroused. "Mind your own business, Mister Elliott. You're only a Corpril anyway. You hain't nothin' to do with me outside the company. I kin take care o' myself. I've beat these men twice, and kin do it again." "Clear out, now, if you don't want to git hurt," said the larger man, moving his hand toward his hip.

He stopped to rest after this prodigious literary effort, and wipe the beaded sweat from his brow. He saw little Pete Skidmore looking at him with troubled face. "What're you doin' up, Pete? Lay down and go to sleep." "Say, Corpril, the Orderly said we wuz goin' to fight a whole passel of rebel cavalry, didn't he?" "Um-hum!" assented Shorty, cudgeling his brain as to what he should next write.

Corpril Elliott there. He's in the market. He had a girl up in Bad Ax, Wis., but she went back on him, and married a stay-at-home widower, who's in the lumber business." There was a general giggle, and a chorus of exclamations at such unpatriotic and unwomanly perfidy. Shorty's appetite fled. "Maria," thundered Si, "I'll make you pay for this when I git you alone."

Dear Liz, i am doing very well and i will tell you a secret i am going to be rekermended for the V.C. becos i done so well in the trenches. i don't feel a bit fritened wich is nice, and, dear Liz, i hope to be made Lance Corpril soon as my officer is so ..." And here it ended, this letter from a liar. I balanced it on my knee and wondered what to do with it.

"Who is that man, Corpril?" asked Monty Scruggs, as the Orderly left. "That's the Orderly-Sergeant of Co. "Orderly-Sergeant?" repeated Monty dubiously. "Who's he? I've heard of Captains, Majors, Colonels and Generals, but never of Orderly-Sergeants, and yit he seems to be bigger'n all of 'em. He has more to say, and does more orderin' around than all of 'em put together.

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