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"Wonder if this old thing sheds water?" suggested Jud, looking up at the heavy canopy as though he fancied that he felt a stream trickling down the back of his neck. "You can bank on it," declared Joe Clausin. "Anything Mr. Everett owns has got to be gilt-edged. And he'd never stand for a leaky canopy.

"Well, try the wading; it looks fine!" laughed Joe Clausin. "Don't think of it," called out Gusty Bellows at that moment. "I stuck this pole down in the soft slush, and my stars! it goes right through to China, I reckon. Anyhow, I couldn't reach bottom. And if you jumped over, Phil, you'd be up to your neck at the start. Let's tie a rope under your arms first, anyhow."

"Contrary, no!" he continued. There were just three who boldly allowed themselves to be set down as not being in favor of the daring plan Nuthin, Curly Baxter and Joe Clausin; and yet, just as the wise, far-seeing Bobolink had declared, when it came to a question of staying at home while the rest of the troop were off enjoying their vacation, or swallowing their fear of ghosts and wild men, these three boys would be along when the motorboats started on their adventurous cruise.

Growdy!" called Joe Clausin. "Wait a bit, fellers. I got somethin' more to say," pleaded the old man, once again lifting his hand to still the rising tumult. Paul smiled, for he could give a pretty shrewd guess as to what was coming; and it certainly did him good to realize how their odd little scheme was turning out to be such a glorious success.

It's the talk of the town, and lots of folks says that it serves the old crusty just right. But I was tucked away in my little bed alongside t'other twin that night, as snug as two bugs in a rug; and consequently had my little alibi ready to prove I wasn't in the bunch that paid him that sly visit." "Oh! we all know who did it, never fear!" cried Joe Clausin.

"And look at that flash of lightning, would you?" echoed Joe Clausin. "Wow! that was a heavy bang; wasn't it? Tell you now, that bolt must 'a struck somethin'! Always does, they say, when it comes quick like that."

1 Jud Elderkin, patrol leader. 2 Joe Clausin. 3 Andy Flinn. 4 Phil Towns. 5 Horace Poole. 6 Bob Tice. 7 Curly Baxter. 8 Cliff Jones, whose entire name was Clifford Ellsworth Fairfax Jones. 1 Frank Savage, patrol leader. 2 Billie Little, a very tall lad, and of course always called Little Billie. 3 Nat Smith. 4 Sandy Griggs. 5 Old Dan Tucker. 6 "Red" Conklin. 7 "Spider" Sexton. 8 "Gusty" Bellows.

"Goodbye, old mud bank!" cried Gusty, waving his hand in mock adieu to the unlucky spot where so much precious time had been wasted. "See you later!" "Not much we will!" echoed Joe Clausin. "I've got that spot marked with a red cross in my mind, and if this boat ever gets close to it again, you'll hear this chicken cackle right smart.

Then Paul shut off power, and when he no longer heard the sound of the Comfort's exhaust, Jack followed suit. "We'll hang out here for half an hour, and then head back," explained Paul. "The outlet isn't far away from here; is it?" Joe Clausin asked. "Not very far on the right," Paul replied. "I had that in mind when choosing to come this way.

"Aren't we going to keep any watch, Paul?" asked Joe Clausin, when later on some of the more tired talked of turning in. "Watch for what?" demanded Bobolink. "Guess Joe thinks Ted Slavin and his crowd might get over here, and throw stones at our tents, like they did once before," suggested Nuthin.