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He stood with his bonnet in his hand, watching for a farewell glance. "Why don't you come in?" she said impatiently. He was beside her in a moment. "I didna ken ye wad lat me in," he said. "I wouldn't have you drowned," she returned, shutting the door. I stack to the boddom o' a whumled boat a haill nicht whan I was but fifeteen."

Its frae bein' sae muckle wi' Maister Cosmo, I'm thinkin' ever sin' he was a bairn, ye ken, sir; for bein' twa year aul'er nor him, I was a kin' o' a wee nursie til him; an' ever sin' syne we hae had nae secrets frae ane anither; an' ye ken what he's like aye wantin' to win at the boddom o' things, an' that's infeckit me, sae 'at I canna rist whan I see onybody un'erstan'in' a thing, till I set aboot gettin' a grip o' 't mysel'."

"The costs must have been enormous, and then there's the damages. He would have been better to settle't and be done wi't, but his pride made him fight it to the hindmost! It has made touch the boddom of his purse, I'll wager ye. Weel, weel, it'll help to subdue his pride a bit, and muckle was the need o' that." Young Gourlay was seized with a sudden fear.

"Gin the watter be i' the hoose, there's no ootgang. It'll be doon afore the mornin'. Lie still." Annie lay down again, and Tibbie resumed: "Gin we be i' the watter, the watter's i' the how o' his han'. Gin we gang to the boddom, he has only to open's fingers, an' there we are, lyin' i' the loof o' 's han', dry and warm. Lie still."

To what Malcolm said she paid no heed, but stood with her child in her arms and gazed at Kelpie as she went on plunging and kicking about on the top of the dune. "I reckon ye wadna care though the she deevil knockit oot yer harns; but ye ha'e the bairn, woman! Ha'e mercy on the bairn, an' rin to the boddom."

"A man 'at's honest i' the main may play the verra dog afore he gets the deevil oot o' 'im ance he's in like that. We'll hae to cast a k-not or twa aboot 'im an' lay 'im i' the boddom o' the boat." The six had already started after him like one man. But Malcolm cried, "Let him go: he has done me no wrong yet, and I don't believe will do me any. But for no risk must we prevent wrong with wrong."

"A man 'at 's honest i' the main may play the verra dog afore he gets the deevil oot o' 'im ance he 's in like that. We'll ha'e to cast a k-not or twa aboot 'im, an' lay 'im i' the boddom o' the boat." The six had already started after him like one man. But Malcolm cried, "Let him go: he has done me no wrong yet, and I don't believe will do me any.

If they're no' guid, they get mair an' mair driech the langer they preach; even their auld sermons, when they turn the barrel an' start at the boddom o' her, appear to get driecher than ever. It's juist the same wi' Sandy the aulder he grows he gets the waur, till I raley winder what'll happen till him.

'Lat me gang, Robert, gasped Shargar. 'Losh, man! ye'll be on Black Geordie in anither ten meenits, an' me ahin' ye upo' Reid Rorie. An' faith gin we binna at Stanehive afore the Dutchman wi' 's boddom foremost, it'll be the faut o' the horse and no o' the men. Robert's heart gave a bound of hope. 'Hoo 'ill ye get them, Shargar? he asked eagerly.

'They maun be packit sae close, sae unco close i' their muckle pocks, like the feathers in a feather-bed! and syne, whan they lat them a' oot thegither, like haudin the bed i' their twa ban's by the boddom corners, they maun be smorin thick till they begin to spread! 'And wha think ye shaks oot the muckle pocks, Steenie? 'I dinna ken. I hae aften thoucht aboot it.