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"Wal, as I've said about fifeteen yeern ago, I located in the Red River bottom, about fifty mile or tharabout below Nacketosh, whur I built me a shanty. I hed left my wife an' two young critters in Massissippi state, intendin' to go back for 'em in the spring; so, ye see, I wur all alone by meself, exceptin' my ole mar, a Collins's axe, an' of coorse my rifle.

"As soon as day broke I set up my shoutin' again, restin' every fifeteen minutes or so, and then takin' afresh start. About an hour after sun-up, jest as I had finished a long spell o' screechin', I thought I heerd a voice. I listened a bit with my heart thumpin' against my ribs. Thar war no sound; I yelled louder than ever, and then listened. Thar war a voice.

He stood with his bonnet in his hand, watching for a farewell glance. "Why don't you come in?" she said impatiently. He was beside her in a moment. "I didna ken ye wad lat me in," he said. "I wouldn't have you drowned," she returned, shutting the door. I stack to the boddom o' a whumled boat a haill nicht whan I was but fifeteen."

The latter described as messuages were valued in 1794 at SIX MILLIONS per annum; in 1814 they were nearly FIFETEEN MILLIONS; now they are valued at EIGHTY MILLIONS. Lands, L34,330,463 L49,906,866 Messuages, 14,895,130 80,726,502