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At half past three o'clock in the morning of the 5th, we saw a small island bearing west half south, not more than a mile and a half from the vessel; on this we hauled our wind to the southward, and tacked occasionally until day-light. We sounded with twenty-six fathoms, over a bottom of blue mud. This island is called in the charts Pulo Packit: it is very low and covered with trees.

"The sea, the sea, the open sea!" as Barry Cromwell says. "Yellowplush my boy," said I, in a dialogue with myself, "your life is now about to commens your carear, as a man, dates from your entrans on board this packit. Be wise, be manly, be cautious, forgit the follies of your youth.

'They maun be packit sae close, sae unco close i' their muckle pocks, like the feathers in a feather-bed! and syne, whan they lat them a' oot thegither, like haudin the bed i' their twa ban's by the boddom corners, they maun be smorin thick till they begin to spread! 'And wha think ye shaks oot the muckle pocks, Steenie? 'I dinna ken. I hae aften thoucht aboot it.

Then the boy laid the poker-head along the rim, fitting edge to edge with a nice precision. "Mother," he cried, turning towards her in his interest, "mother, look here! It's exactly the same size!" "Put it down, sir," said his father with a grim smile at Loranogie. "You'll be killing folk next." "Are ye packit, Peter?" said Gourlay.

But master paid without grumbling; as long as it was for himself he never minded the expens: and nex day we embarked in the packit for Balong sir-mare which means in French, the town of Balong sityouated on the sea.

Ships bound to the westward, or to Batavia from Carimon Java, should steer west half north, or west by north, to avoid the shoal to the northward of Pulo Packit. In the afternoon, seeing a brig at anchor under the land, we bore up in order to speak her, and in standing in, had regular soundings to seven fathoms. I went with Mr.