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Three Sundays ago he turned around before he went out and said, 'Do you like apple-butter? but never waited to find out. It's the same programme every Sunday evening, and Jim Bardlock says Anna Belle's so worn out you wouldn't hardly know her for the blithe creature she was last year the excitement's be'n too much for her!"

Then he drew a chair towards the table and started to sit down. "Wonduh what 's de matter wid you dis mawnin' anyhow," remarked aunt Milly. "You must 'a' be'n up ter some devilment las' night, fer yo' recommemb'ance is so po' dat you fus' fergit ter git up, an' den fergit ter wash yo' face an' hands fo' you set down ter de table. I don' 'low nobody ter eat at my table dat a-way."

We've never heard the end of one of his stories, an' he's be'n talkin' for twenty years." "All right," rejoined his companion, with a broad grin at the idea. "I'm willin', if you are; but who's goin' to tell our fam'lies the reason we've deserted 'em? I bate yer we shan't budge till the crack o' doom.

De oberseah come up en axed w'at 'uz de matter; en w'en dey tole 'im Henry be'n eatin' er de scuppernon's, en got de goopher on 'im, he gin Henry a big drink er w'iskey, en 'low dat de nex' rainy day he take 'im ober ter Aun' Peggy's, en see ef she wouldn' take de goopher off'n him, seein' ez he didn' know nuffin erbout it tel he done et de grapes.

You don' tell me dat after all dese long w'ary years er waitin' de good Lawd is done heared yo' prayer an' is gwine ter sen' you de chile you be'n wantin' so long an' so bad? Bless his holy name! Will I come an' nuss yo' baby? Why, honey, I nussed you, an' nussed yo' mammy thoo her las' sickness, an' laid her out w'en she died.

"Hebben be praised, I ain't done lost my Brutus after all. Dat 'Dolphus he skeered me nigh to death wif his stuttering story as how my chile be'n in de mill-pond. What's all dis row about, anyhow? I hopes none o' you folks done play a joke on me, dat's right. It'd be de wustest thing yuh eber done, let me tells yuh." The parson thereupon proceeded to tell her the real facts.

You must have had quite a bit of water in your reservoir when she let go, Johnson, judgin' by results." "What do you mean?" "You ain't be'n down the creek, then?" "No, I ain't. I'm goin' now. I had to git the men to work fixin' the dam." "What I mean is this! There's about fifty head of cattle, more or less, that's layin' sprinkled around on top of the mud.

Didn't know any one was in there." "You're in a hell of a fix with your eyesight an' hearin' all shot to pieces, ain't you? But I reckon they're goin' to be the best part of you if you don't come along with me. Cinnabar Joe's be'n doped." "Cinnabar Joe!" The doctor's surprise was genuine. "Yes. Cinnabar Joe.

"How long has this be'n a-goin' on, Ad'line? Why didn't you come home before and get doctored up? You're all run down." Mrs. Thacher looked frightened when this questioning began, but turned her face toward her daughter, eager to hear the answer. "I've been sick off and on all summer," said the young woman, as if it were almost impossible to make the effort of speaking.

We-all reckoned he had fallen somewhars, but I've thought sence that p'r'aps he jes' went away, goin' back to the city, and leavin' no tracks so's to make Ol' Blacky Baldwin believe he'd be'n killed." "That sounds likely enough," Hamilton said. "But even if he did get away, I don't believe that he'd want to come back." "I reckon not," the mountain boy agreed. "Anyway, the school's shut up now."