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'A peine y etoíent-elles arrivées, que M. de Marson parut dans un Canot, un chapeau gris sur la tête; & ayant appris ce qui s'etoit passé, assûra qu'il ne pouvoit pas comprendre comment la Sauvagesse avoit sçavoir l'heure & le jour de son arrivée.

Her doctrines had taken no hold among them; she had never known one who had appris a apprendre; she could not even get a woman secretary; 'they don't know the names of the Cabinet Ministers they don't know which of the Churches has Bishops and which not'. As for the spirit of self-sacrifice, well Sidney Herbert and Arthur Clough were men, and they indeed had shown their devotion; but women ! She would mount three widow's caps 'for a sign'. The first two would be for Clough and for her Master; but the third 'the biggest widow's cap of all' would be for Aunt Mai.

But to come at last to Solomon's ideal what is our first impression of her? Surely it is strength, and we probably feel her strong-minded, and rather a "managing woman" and, as a rule, these are not loved. I feel that she wants some sorrow to humanize her she would hardly be sorry for less prosperous, less sensible people: the modern feeling of, "the pity of it, Iago, the pity of it!" has never gone home to her; she is not like Ruskin's "gentleman" who has tears always in his eyes, in spite of the smile on his lips; she is not "quick to perceive the want" in the many lives, which are empty or crippled, though, perhaps, seemingly prosperous: things turn out well with her, and she deserves it, so the sight of her would bring home a sense of undeservingness to the less fortunate; she cannot speak so as to be "understanded of" them; she is not one of those who have learnt that "avoir beaucoup souffert c'est comme ceux qui savent beaucoup de langues, avoir appris

Now the objectors to the doctrine of instinct may say what they please, but young tailors have no intuitive method of making pantaloons; a new-born mercer cannot measure diaper; nature teaches a cook's daughter nothing about sippets. 'Les gens de qualite savent tout, sans avoir rien appris."

Maupertuis faisoit instruire un perroquet par son laquais, et vouloit qu'on lui apprit des mots extraordinaires. Depuis deux ans le laquais, enseignoit a l'animal a dire monomotapa, et le perroquet n'en disoit que des syllabes separees. Maupertuis faisoit des reproches au laquais; "Oh, monsieur," dit celui-ci, "cela ne va pas si vite; je lui ai d'abord appris mo et puis no."

La Compagnie s'assemble tous les Jeudis dans la Cathedrale, a porte fermee, et la elles se disent les unes aux autres tout ce qu'elles on appris. C'est une espece d'Inquisition contre toutes les personnes qui ne sont pas unies avec les Jesuites.

"Croyez-vous m'avoir humiliée pour m'avoir appris que la terre tourne autour du soleil? Je vous jure que je ne m'en estime pas moins." FONTENELLE: Pluralité des Mondes. That lofty criticism had caused Gwendolen a new sort of pain.

You may be worthily wedded in France, and I will take order for your safe going. Meantime, this is a house where you may well serve your poor mother's soul by prayers and masses, and likewise perfect yourselves in French. This was not at all what Jean had intended, and she pouted a little, while the Cardinal asked, changing his language, 'Ces donzelles, ont elles appris le Francais?

To our astonishment, in accents so Gallic that one discerned with difficulty that he was attempting English, he intoned: Zee seds of neet fair valeeng fast, Ven t'rough an Alpeen veelage past A yout, who bore meed snow and eece A bannair veed dees strange deveece Excelsiorr! "'Eh, voila, he exclaimed with satisfaction, 'J'ai appris cela a l'école. C'est tout l'anglais que je sais.

'Autre recepte par mots preservants la rage. 'Ay appris vne recepte d'vn Gentil-homme, en Bretaigne, lequel faisoit de petits escriteaux, ou n'y auoit seulement que deux lignes, lesquels il mettoit en vne omellette d'oeufs, puis les faisoit aualer aux chiens qui auorient este mords de chiens enragez, et auoit dedans l'escriteau, 'Y Ran Quiran Cafram Cafratrem, Cafratrosque'. Lesquels mots disoit estre singuliers pour empescher les chiens de la rage, mais quant a moi ie n'y adiouste pas foy.