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You're more practised in thar ways than me. Though a good score o' year older than yurself, I hain't hed much to do wi' weemen, 'ceptin' Injun squaws an' now an' agin a yeller gurl down by San Antone. But them scrapes wan't nothin' like thet Walt Wilder heve got inter now." "A scrape! What sort of a scrape? I hope you haven't " "Ye needn't talk o' hope, Frank Hamersley.

I tuk them for the same chaps I hed seed parley vooin' at the craps-table; an' tho't they wur only jokin', till one of them gin me a sockdolloger over the head, an' fired a pistol. I then drewed my bowie, an' the skrimmage begun; an' thet's all I know about it, cap'n, more'n yurself. "Let's see if it's all up with this'n," continued the hunter, stooping.

An' now you're a-tryin' tew have tew innocent boys hanged for a murder that you probably did yurself," and Ham's eyes flamed. "You cowardly skunk!" and, suddenly letting go of the coat collar, he took a quick step backward, and swung up his great fist with all the strength of his powerful right arm, striking the man squarely under the chin.

Thar's another passage up the cliffs, not far off; not a doubt but these Injuns know it; an' ef we don't make haste, they'll git up thar, and come in upon us by the back door, which trick won't do, nohowsomdever. You keep yurself in readiness, and watch what I'm agoin' to do. When you see me scoot up back'ards, follor 'ithout sayin' a word."

No, mister! ye've got to die; an' ye may get yurself ready for't, 's soon's ye like. Coward indeed!" "I repeat it your act is cowardly." "What act?" "Your unprovoked attack upon me especially since it gives you the first shot. What if I were to shoot you down now?

"It near froze ice this mornin'," Bowers observed by way of making conversation. "I was so cold that I had to shiver myself into a pressperation before I could get breakfast." "I slept chilly all night," said Bunch, and added, looking askance at his erstwhile bed-fellow, "They ain't no more heat in Oleson than a rattler." "Looks like you'd steal yurself a blanket somewhur," Bowers commented.

"I'll tell yur what it is," said he; "yur kin turn with me ter the rendevooz, an' see for yurself; but if ye'll only jine, an' licker freely, I'll lay a pack o' beaver agin the skin of a mink that they'll illect ye captain of the company." "Even a lieutenancy," I interposed. "Ne'er a bit of it, cap. Go the big figger. 'Tain't more nor yur entitled to.

Thar's the difference, that in the Gardin o' Eeden thar's but one woman spoken of; hyar thar's two, one o' which you yurself hev called a angel, an' ye hain't sayed anythin' beyont the downright truth. She air a angel, if iver thar was sech on airth.

"Why, Cap'n, I 'ud call him as ugly a skunk as yer kin skeer up any whar 'ceptin' it mout be among the Digger Injuns; but yer kin see for yurself he's clost by." I leaped from my horse, and followed Lincoln through the bushes. Twenty paces brought us to the object of our search, upon the border of a small glade. The body lay upon its back, where it had been flung by the rearing mustang.

"Awt o'pontee, little wasp," cried her mother; "theaw desarves nowt boh whot theaw dustna get often enough a good whipping." "Yo hanna towd us whot yo'd do fo yurself if yo war a great lady, Alizon?" interposed Susan. "Oh, I haven't thought about myself," replied the other, laughing.