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Don't suppose it is all accident to become as great a flier as Garros or Vedrines or Beachey, but I'm never going to be a Garros, I guess. Like the man that can jump twelve feet but never can get himself to go any farther. December 1: Carmeau killed yesterday, flying at San Antone. Motor backfire, machine caught fire, burned him to death in the air.

"You didn't let him?" demanded Engle quickly. "No. A couple of the boys have walked him off down the road. I've got Galloway and Antone in the jail. Now, what I want is some advice. What am I going to do with this job until Rod Norton comes to and takes a hand . . . if he ever does," he muttered heavily.

You're more practised in thar ways than me. Though a good score o' year older than yurself, I hain't hed much to do wi' weemen, 'ceptin' Injun squaws an' now an' agin a yeller gurl down by San Antone. But them scrapes wan't nothin' like thet Walt Wilder heve got inter now." "A scrape! What sort of a scrape? I hope you haven't " "Ye needn't talk o' hope, Frank Hamersley.

"Ranse took the order for some more smokin' to San Antone with him Tuesday. Pancho rode Ranse's hoss back yesterday; and Ranse is goin' to drive the wagon back himself. There wa'n't much of a load just some woolsacks and blankets and nails and canned peaches and a few things we was out of. I look for Ranse to roll in to-day sure.

Pearson mounted Road Runner, the soundest cow-pony on the Frio, and let him pitch for a minute, as he always did on being mounted, even at the end of a day's travel. "What kind of a hat was that, Miss Tonia," he called, "that you ordered from San Antone? I can't help but be sorry about that hat." "A straw," said Tonia; "the latest shape, of course; trimmed with red roses.

I don't believe you've even tried it yet. I went all the way to San Antone and picked it out for you myself. It took a third of the fall clip to buy it; but I don't mind that if it makes my good girl happier. Won't you play a little bit for dad, Marilla? "Doc Simpson beckoned Marilla to one side and recommended her to do what Uncle Cal wanted, so it would get him quieted.

You must do something to occupy your mind." "Sure. That's what brings me home. I'm going to the front." "To the war?" "Yes. They're recruiting a rough-rider regiment in San Antone. I joined yesterday, and I've come to get my horse." After a time Ellsworth said, "Alaire has commenced her action." Dave took a deep, sharp breath and began to tremble weakly. "I didn't tell her, but you must.

"A gen'l'man, ol' Antone, which every caffy keeper ain't an' because he's a gen'l'man, and because some others ain't " Sam looked around to see if Argand was getting that "because some others ain't because some others ain't, I say an' I could name 'em, too, if I wanted I could, yes."

"You John, you Peter, you Mark, you Antone," said the Captain, "were yesterday found fighting on the gun-deck. Have you anything to say?"

I can answer for myself and Antone; and the two of us can wind things up. That man Rutton is at peace now 'chances are he'd prefer a quiet grave here on the island. Then that devilish babu he doesn't count; Antone and I'll get him under the ground in a jiffy.