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I don't for one second dream of accusing Judges of favouritism or impropriety any kind, but I'm convinced that the glory of a brass-bound owner casts a halo about his horse that dazzles and blinds the average rough-rider, stud-groom and cavalry-sergeant, and don't improve the eyesight of some of their betters, when judging." "You're right, Nutty," agreed Mr. Ross-Ellison.

"Ah, you are surprised to see me, Master Deane!" he observed with a laugh, putting out his hand. "I told you that I was a dealer in woollen goods, so that it is but fit I should appear in the proper guise of a decent merchant, instead of in the habit of a common rough-rider, in which you have before seen me.

La Gonizetti gets astride of Samson the one that's mad and grabs his mane, and pretends to ride like a cow- boy. Calls herself a Rough-Rider. Makes Samson get on top of that table, then she gets on top of him." "But this isn't La Gonizetti," Abbott protested, shuddering again. "Now you've said something. That's right.

Some months later, when the A.S.C. ambulance drivers were exercising their horses, he showed himself a good rough-rider, and I recalled his "galloper" days. And again at Lemnos and Suvla he was a splendid swimmer. He was an all-round man. Unlike the other men in barracks the shop assistants and clerks Hawk never missed noticing small things, and it was this which first drew my attention to him.

PETER: "Not a bit! You are a regular woman. I thought differently of you somehow!" MARGOT: "You thought I was a dog-fancier or a rough-rider, did you, with a good thick skin?" PETER: "I fail to understand you! Are you alluding to the manners of my horses?" MARGOT: "No, to your friends." PETER: "Ah! Ah! Nous y sommes! ... How can you be so childish! What did Mrs. Bo say to you?"

My teacher and I had a good laugh over the girls' frolic. How funny they must have looked in their "rough-rider" costumes, mounted upon their fiery steeds! "Slim" would describe them, if they were anything like the saw-horses I have seen. What jolly times they must have at ! I cannot help wishing sometimes that I could have some of the fun that other girls have.

I will not assert that the art of riding thus is impossible, though it has ever been so to me; and though, in my own experience, I never saw a cavalry soldier, rough-rider, riding-master, or any horseman whatever, who turned his horse, single-handed, on the proper rein. But I may assert that it is an exceedingly nice and delicate art. It is the opera-dancing of riding.

"I've been a rough-rider in a circus " Mrs. Abbott groaned, but Jack Trimble's eyes opened as roundly and wide as his mouth. "Thundering So it was you after all!" "Me?" Jim demanded with ungrammatical haste. "You rough-rider circus!" Jack exclaimed. "Vera said the chap looked like you, but it never occurred to me that it could possibly be!" "So it was Vera, was it?" Jim smiled.

And then one day there rode into that shack-town a young athlete in a uniform of scarlet and gold, the rough-rider hat, the tunic of red, the wide gold stripe to the top of the riding boots and the shining spurs. He rode in alone from the nearest post some 60 miles away and, when he dismounted, threw off the heavy saddle and picketed his horse, a sudden air of orderliness settled on the locality.

With the th he served half a dozen years in India; a rough-rider, a splendid fellow in a charge or a pursuit, with an astonishing power over horses, and the clearest back-handed sweep of a saber that ever cut down a knot of natives; but insubordinate.