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Berry, too much absorbed in her extraordinary adventure to notice the young wife's struggling bosom, "three men, and one a nobleman! He've got more whisker than my Berry, I wonder what the man thought. Ten to one he'll think, now, I was glad o' my chance they're that vain, whether they's lords or commons. How was I to know? I nat'ral thinks none but her husband'd sit in that chair.

His ebony beard flowed, but not at too great a length, in graceful and natural curls, and was richly perfumed; a delicate mustachio shaded his upper lip, but no whisker was permitted to screen the form and shroud the lustre of his oval countenance and brilliant complexion.

"On the other 'and," pursued Mr. Brimberly, smiling and caressing his left whisker, "'e may be on 'is way to Hafghanistan or Hasia Minor at this pre-cise moment 'e is that metehoric, lord! These millionaires is much of a muchness, sir, 'ere to-day, gone to-morrer. Noo York this week, London or Paris the next. Young Har is always upsetting my plans, 'e is, and that's a fact, sir!

"There you are," he said, with a tone of satisfaction. "My name is Chirpy Bird," said the little one, "but I'm a fish." "Nonsense," grumped Spotted Fish. "Whoever heard of a fish named Chirpy Bird?" "Whether you've heard of me or not, here I am," said Chirpy Bird, not knowing what else to say. "Totally illogical," interrupted Whisker Fish, who had just come near.

Two young men followed, one a strong, stout, broad-shouldered man, whose features were wonderfully like those of my old friend A'Dale, although somewhat concealed by beard and whisker. He formed a strong contrast to the slight, pale, sickly youth at his side. A second glance convinced me that the latter was my former playmate and companion Richard Gresham.

While feeling for the whisker that he anxiously expected, Fledgeby underwent remarkable fluctuations of spirits, ranging along the whole scale from confidence to despair. There were times when he started, as exclaiming 'By Jupiter here it is at last! There were other times when, being equally depressed, he would be seen to shake his head, and give up hope.

His hat is stuck on one side, displaying a profusion of well-waxed ringlets; a corresponding infinity of whisker, terminating at the chin, there joins an enormous pair of moustaches, which give him the appearance of having caught the fox himself and stuck its brush below his nose.

He walked about the place talking like a book, and when a fat monkey, wot was pretending to be asleep, got a bit o' Sam's whisker, he said it was on'y instink, and the animal had no wish to do 'im 'arm. "Very likely thought it was doing you a kindness, Sam," ses Ginger. Mr.

Mr Plornish picked a bit of lime out of his whisker, put it between his lips, turned it with his tongue like a sugar-plum, considered, found himself unequal to the task of lucid explanation, and appealing to his wife, said, 'Sally, you may as well mention how it was, old woman. No, says Miss Dorrit, I have not, but I will. 'The landlord of the Yard, said Arthur Clennam, 'is

Marius Longford smiled, and stroked one feline whisker thoughtfully. "So you actually believe what you preach!" he murmured "Strange! You are more of an antiquity than the consecrated dust enclosed in that alabaster! Believe me!" "Much more, much, more!" exclaimed the fantastic Adderley; "To believe in anything at all is so remote! so very remote! and yet so new so fresh!" Walden made no reply.