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"I want " said this elfin voice, "I want Bill Hammersley!" The shabby phaeton which had passed my cousin's house was drawing up to the curb near Beasley's gate. Evidently the old negro saw it. "Hi dar!" he exclaimed. "Look at dat! Hain' Bill a comin' yonnah des edzacly on de dot an' to de vey spot an' instink when you 'quiah fo' 'im, honey?

He walked about the place talking like a book, and when a fat monkey, wot was pretending to be asleep, got a bit o' Sam's whisker, he said it was on'y instink, and the animal had no wish to do 'im 'arm. "Very likely thought it was doing you a kindness, Sam," ses Ginger. Mr.

The reason is this: Tom put the brick in his pocket to give to a museum with his name on it and the facts when he went home, and I slipped it out and put another brick considerable like it in its place, and he didn't know the difference but there was a difference, you see. I think that settles it it's mostly instink, not knowledge.

Now take me to see the spot." But at this point Mr. Goodfellow's emotions overmastered him, and he broke forth into the language of rhapsody. "O woman, woman!" exclaimed Mr. Goodfellow, "whatever would the world do without your wondrous instink!" "Bless the man!" Miss Belcher drew back a pace "is he talking of me?" "No, ma'am; generally, or, as you might say, of the sex as a whole.

My master very soon found out what was Mr. Blewitt's game. Gamblers know gamblers, if not by instink, at least by reputation; and though Mr. Blewitt moved in a much lower speare than Mr. Deuceace, they knew each other's dealins and caracters puffickly well. "It's Mr. Dawkins, a rich young gentleman from Oxford, and a great friend of Mr.

So it shows that for all the brag you hear about knowledge being such a wonderful thing, instink is worth forty of it for real unerringness. Jim says the same.

Pneumony, lightnin', and lawyers they're the same thing spelled different. I'm just goin' to do him, that's all, and instink is whisperin' how." He turned his back on the showman and ran calculating eye over Mr. Bodge. "I don't hardly see how that old hair mattress there is goin' to be rung in on the deal," growled Hiram.

But the Cap'n grasped his arm with detaining grip. "This thing is openin' up. It ain't all clear, but it's openin'. I had instink that I could use him. But I couldn't figger it. It ain't all straightened out in my mind yet. But when you said 'gold brick' it seemed to be clearer." Hiram blinked inquiringly at his enigmatic friend. "It was what I was thinkin' of gold brick," the Cap'n went on.

Here the brute suddenly stopped and whined, and commenced to wildly caper. 'Th' dog's goin' mad, said Amos. 'It's noan as mad as thee, owd lad, replied Moses. 'I'll lay ought we'n noan so far fro' th' chilt. 'It is always wise to stop when a dog stops, assented the minister. 'Yi; yo' connot stand agen instink, said Malachi.

Instink tells him where the exact PLACE is for the brick to be in, and so he reconnizes it by the place it's in, not by the look of the brick. If it was knowledge, not instink, he would know the brick again by the look of it the next time he seen it which he didn't.