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At every jump too, Hands appeared still more to sink into himself and settle down upon the deck, his feet sliding ever the farther out, and the whole body canting towards the stern, so that his face became, little by little, hid from me; and at last I could see nothing beyond his ear and the frayed ringlet of one whisker.

In his dream it seemed that there and then the executioner advanced to his fell work a bony hand grasped his right whisker, the deadly razor flashed, and Mr. Brimberly awoke gurgling awoke to catch a glimpse of a hand so hastily withdrawn that it seemed to vanish into thin air.

For the enigmatic character of South Carolina never interferes with a certain brisk exhilaration in its bones. She repeated in a vague way: "A hundred things!" and shut her lips on particularisation. "I don't know exactly how many," said Mr. Pellew gravely. He sat drawing one whisker through the hand whose elbow was on the sofa-back, with his eyes very much on the flush and the animation.

Shrig, "a fine, large vord, Dick, as means werry little to you!" "And they mentioned me in the Gazette, Jarsper," said the Corporal looking very sheepish, and stroking his whisker again with his hook. "And a lot o' good that done you, didn't it? Your 'eart vos broke the night I found you down by the River." "Why, I did feel as I weren't much good, Jarsper, I'll admit.

The broadening and whitening dawn had already turned to working daylight before they saw any living creature on the wharves and bridges of that silent town. Eventually they saw a very placid and prosperous man in his shirt sleeves, with a face as round as the recently sunken moon, and rays of red whisker around the low arc of it, who was leaning on a post above the sluggish tide.

Evidently she has joined him." We regarded each other in dismay. "They're in Havre by now," said Barbara. "I'm not so sure," said Jaffery, sweeping his beard from moustache downward. This I knew to be a sign of satisfaction. When he was puzzled he scrabbled at the whisker. "I'm not so sure. Why should he leave the boarding-house on Sunday? I'll tell you.

He was a weazened, blank, pale-eyed little man, with a thin, white mist of neck whisker; his coat was so large for him that the sleeves were rolled up from his wrists with several turns, and, as he climbed painfully to the ground to open the gate of the lane, it needed no perspicuous eye to perceive that his trousers had been made for a much larger man, for, as his uncertain foot left the step of his vehicle, one baggy leg of the garment fell down over his foot, completely concealing his boot and hanging some inches beneath.

In the case of one we love or fear intensely, what feats of comparative anatomy will not the mind unconsciously perform? Constructing the whole living animal from the turn of an elbow, the curl of a whisker, a segment of a hand. How instantaneous and unerring is the instinct!

He saw at his feet the body of an elderly man; the face was turned away from him, crushed in against the glaze of the wall, but he judged the man to be elderly because of grey hair and whitening whisker; it was clothed in a good, well-made suit of grey check cloth tweed and the boots were good: so, too, was the linen cuff which projected from the sleeve that hung so limply.

I can see the captain's whisker all gilt at the edges! We took 'ee for the Bournemouth steamer. Three cheers for the real man-o'-war!" That cry came from under the Devolution's stern. Pyecroft held something in his teeth, for I heard him mumble, "Our Mister Moorshed!" Said a boy's voice above us, just as we dodged a jet of hot water from some valve: "I don't half like that cheer.