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"Colonel Thorp," announced a clerk, opening the door. "Tell Colonel Thorp I cannot ah, Colonel Thorp, I am glad to see you. Will you step this way?" opening the door leading to his own office. The colonel, a tall, raw-boned, typical "Uncle Sam," even to the chin whisker and quid of tobacco, had an eye like an eagle. He shot a keen glance at Mr. St. Clair and then at Ranald.

I never dreamed of marrying and leaving you here alone. And you'll find I can be as determined as yourself." Rosemary turned away and went into the house, with a shrug of her shoulders. Ellen looked down at St. George, who had never blinked an eyelash or stirred a whisker during the whole interview. "St.

To-day they were to trim the grape-vine, so Kit mounted half-way up a short ladder, and began to snip and hammer away, while the old gentleman, with a great interest in his proceedings, handed up the nails and shreds of cloth as he wanted them. The old lady and Whisker looked on as usual. 'Well, Christopher, said Mr Garland, 'and so you have made a new friend, eh?

"Well, then, is he daffy? off his trolley?" "Off 'is wot?" said Mr. Brimberly, fumbling for his whisker. "Holy Gee!" exclaimed Spike, "can't you understand English? Say, is your brother as smart as you?" "The honly brother as ever I 'ad was a infant as died and but wot was you saying about a winder?" "Nothin'!" "Come, speak up, you young vagabone " began Mr.

Barnabas inquired, struck by Mr. Smivvle's hesitating manner, and he glanced toward the door of what was evidently a bedroom. "Alone, sir," said Mr. Smivvle, "is the precise and only word for it. You have hit the nail exactly upon the nob, sir." Here, having found his whisker, Mr.

He did not move, and merely waved the two silver threads of his right whisker as he turned his golden eyes on Schmucke. The piano, decrepit on its legs, though made of good wood painted black and gilded, was dirty, defaced, and scratched; and its keys, worn like the teeth of old horses, were yellowed with the fuliginous colors of the pipe.

He was slightly taller than herself, and their eyes seemed to be on a level; there was not the faintest smile on his face as he looked at her, not a trace of self-consciousness or anxiety in his bearing: when he raised his hat he showed an extensive baldness surrounded with a mere fringe of reddish-blonde hair, but he also showed a perfect hand; the line of feature from brow to chin undisguised by beard was decidedly handsome, with only moderate departures from the perpendicular, and the slight whisker too was perpendicular.

"There's a man goin' by old all over, and a white whisker. Who is it?" inquired Dotty, changing the subject again. "The whisker looks like snow, 's if his chin's cold!" "Never mind the man," returned Prudy. "If you'll go I'll spend my five cents, and buy you some pep'mints." "I'd rather have pickled limes," said Dotty thoughtfully.

"Mother," said Michael, pulling pensively at his whisker as he looked at his card. "This is Mr. Brandon, a friend of Sam's. Don't get up, Brandon, we don't make ceremonies here. Turn up yours ah, the nine of trumps." "Lucky men!" said Malka with festival flippancy.

"There'd be room for you on the sidewalk if I did," says I. "But say, if you can tear your eyes off the candy counter queen long enough, tell me who's got a sign out this mornin'." "They're going to elect a second vice-president of the Interurban to-day. Would that suit you?" says he, twistin' up his lip whisker and lookin' cute.