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Updated: August 4, 2024

"Vy, my dear, it is one of the misfortunes of mater-mony, that ven the husband's put out, the vife is sure to have her share of it. Mr Handycock must have lost money on 'Change, and then he always comes home cross. Ven he vins, then he is as merry as a cricket." "Are you people coming down to dinner?" roared Mr Handycock from below.

"Do you mean the silversmith?" said Lucas. The other nodded. "Oh, him! He was a Jew. They expelled him." "And his vife?" "His wife! They expelled her too," he answered. "I never heard of her again." "Vot vas de last you heard of her?" "Oh, that!" Lucas was staring at him vacantly. It did not occur to him that, by not answering promptly, he might give ground for doubt and suspicion.

It may be God iss not anyvere. So I come back, and I find dat my little Brita iss sick so sick she cannot vork and Brita my vife; she sew all she can, but it iss not enough. I go on de docks once more. 'No vork! no vork! It iss de vord eferyvere.

"I vould like to haf roon to tank you, Meester Shelby. I got vife to tank you. I got mooch cheeldren to tank you. I no taalk good. Dat Eengleesh hard, so? Eef I no taalk, I tink. I tink all day: Tank you, Meester Shelby, tank you, Meester Shelby." "You speak English very well," said Shelby, patting him on the shoulder. "But you mustn't say any more about the matter."

"And apparently you got none." "No," said Sugarman, growing wroth at the recollection. "He said ve are not in Poland." "Quite true." "Yes, but I gave him an answer he didn't like," said Sugarman. "I said, and ven ve are not in Poland mustn't ve keep none of our religion?" His tone changed from indignation to insinuation. "Vy vill you not let me get you a vife, Mr. Hyams?

"Susan," says I I wos took up wery short by this, Samivel; I von't deny it, my boy "Susan," I says, "you've been a wery good vife to me, altogether; don't say nothin' at all about it; keep a good heart, my dear; and you'll live to see me punch that 'ere Stiggins's head yet." She smiled at this, Samivel, said the old gentleman, stifling a sigh with his pipe, 'but she died arter all!

I would not believe that a woman who served us faithfully for years could be so wicked. That doubt has been my ruin.... How much did the eight pictures fetch?" "Vife tausend vrancs." "Good heavens! they were worth twenty times as much!" cried Pons; "the gems of the collection!

Und I pick dis place mitout hope off a neighbor. Id iss goot lant. Veil, let us to der house go. Id vill rest der mule und Gretchen, der cow. Hah!" He rolled a blue eye on his incongruous team, and grinned widely. "Come," he invited; "mine vife vill be glat." They found her a matron of thirty-odd; fresh-cheeked, round-faced like her husband, typically German, without his accent of the Fatherland.

No, you shall not spik now! Blanca, you must marry me, here in Guatemala. You and I go not back to San Miguel unless you air my vife." "Baron!" "Hush! Spik not so loud, and if you vill not make me mad call me not Baron." An awful sense of loneliness chokes me. The streets of that buried Aztec city are not more silent than this one in Guatemala. "Guillermo, listen!

On his part, the stranger seemed to perceive that Fred suspected him, but he was not rendered less hearty or free-and-easy on that account. In the course of conversation Paul chanced to refer to Betty. "Ah! me frund," said the stranger, "has you brought you's vife to dis vile contry!" "No, I haven't," replied Paul, bluntly. "Oh, pardon.

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