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Years und years. "No, I vas vunce in the manufagturing business. Long ago. It vas ven I vas married und had children. I come over from the old country den und I start in. Preddy soon ve had money to spare. Ve came oud here to Chicago und got a house. A very nice house. "My vife was a danzer in the old country. Maybe you have heard of her. But never mind.

"Listen, Bonker, and try to onderstand not jost to make jokes. It appears to me zat Miss Gallosh vill make a good vife to Tollyvoddle. She is so fair, so amiable, and so rich. Could he do better? Should I not lay ze foundations of a happy marriage mit her? Soppose ve do get her instead of Miss Maddison, eh?"

But the apothecary, who perhaps had more penetration or less partiality than his wife and daughter, differed from them in their sentiments of the matter, and expressed himself to me in the shop in this manner: "Ah mon pauvre Roderique! you have more of de veracite dan of de prudence bot mine vife and dater be diablement sage, and Monsieur le Capitaine un fanfaron, pardieu!"

Also not se hussbandt and se vife only; I sink you even cannot much Christ-yanity practice vis anybody close related vissout you idealize sem. But ze hussbandt and vife "You remembeh sat sehmon, 'Be' O yes, of course.

Yes, at night ven I vas all alone I used to think like dat. Everyding vas so oopside down und so inside oud. Vat's de use of living und vy go on drinking beer und becoming a vorse und bigger bum? "Yes, it goes like dat. Ven I vas rich und happy und had my factory und my vife und children und horses und fine house I used to think vat a fine place the vorld vas und how simple it vas to be happy.

Richling insisted, in the face of much scepticism on the part of the baker's widow, that he felt better, was better, and would go on getting better, now that the weather was cool once more. "Well, I hope you vill, Mr. Richlin', dtat's a fect. 'Specially ven yo' vife comin'. Dough I could a-tooken care ye choost tso koot as vot she couldt."

Have you somebody by to carry them to the steamer?" "Me go," cried the man, grinning broadly in delight over this trade, "me vife she stay me go." "But couldn't I carry the poor kitten in my arms, she seems to feel being a prisoner so?" asked Faith, distressed for the pet she loved already. "He might scratch you," said the captain, but Beppo shook his head. "Noa, noa, he gooda; but he getta waya.

But by the holy, jumping Judas, I'm going to forget myself some day and knock the soo-preme pip out of this Dutchman!" He turned abruptly away and went striding back towards the town and the Professor leered at Denver. "Vot I told you?" he boasted, "I ain't scared of dat mens he promised his vife he von't fight!" "Good enough," said Denver, "but don't work it too hard.

The house at which I stopped was a six-roomed "cottage," but whilst I stood on the doorstep, waiting to gain admittance, at least fourteen persons passed in and out. At last a wizened old woman, scrutinising me suspiciously, answered my inquiries. "Yoski! yes, he live on the tird floor back, vis his vife and schwester. Yes, you will find him in."

It made me pause to reflect whether I had not mistaken the house. This, however, seemed impossible. I renewed my questions. "A bachelor, say you? Are you not mistaken?" "No. It would be an odd thing if he was married. An old fellow, with one foot in the grave Comical enough for him to git a vife!" "An old man? Does he live alone? What is his family?" "No, he does not live alone.