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Fontenette was saying, when Senda interrupted: "Ah! vhat vife is sat? In vhat part of se vorldt does she lif, and how long she is marriedt? No-o, no! Sare is only vun kindt of vife in se whole vorldt vhat realize her ideal hussbandt; and sat is se vife vhat idealize her real hussbandt.

When I met Sam in his sto' he said to me, 'Vell, Mark, vat are you senting my vife vlowers for, and vat are you extenting your heartfelt sympat'y aboud? "I showed Sam the telegram. "'Vell, vell, vell. I nefer had a ting to happen like dot in my life, said he. 'Now, I know you are my frient.

I had dis vatch factory over here by the river. Dat vas thirty years ago. Und we had a barn und horses. "But you know how it is! Vat you have today you don't have tomorrow. Not so? My vife first. The nice house und the children vasn't enough for her. She must danze also. I vas younger und my head vas harder den. Und I said, 'No. Alzo she vent avay. Yes, she vent avay. Und der vas two kids.

Bitska in a bowler-hat, red-faced, with thin whiskers such as are worn by the Letts, looked gravely round: "You have not slept, Robert Edouardovitch?" asked Agrenev. "No, I have not, and I am not in a good humour either." The man was silent a moment, then burst out; "Now I am forty years, and my vife she is eighteen. I am in vants of an earnest housekeeper.

Well then, Ezekiel was very rich; he came down in August last, in the Pickle schooner, and, as bad luck would have it, he fell sick of the fever. "Isaac," quoth Ezekiel, "I am wery sheek; I tink I shall tie." "Hope note, dear proder; you hab no vife, nor shildir; pity you should tie, Ezekiel. Ave you make your vill, Ezekiel?" "Yesh; de vill is make.

She ought to be ashamed." "Well, what about you, you danged old stiff?" inquired Denver with ill-concealed scorn. "If Old Bunk had seen you he'd have killed you." "Ah him?" scoffed the Professor, "no, he von't hurt nobody. Lemme tell you something now dis is a fact. When he married his vife and she's an awful fine lady all she asked vas dat he'd stop his tammed fighting. You see?

A year ago his little home was first invaded by the flood, and himself and wife, and his son's family, were driven from it to the hills for safety but the old man's telling of the story can not be improved upon. It ran like this: "Last year, ven I svwim out fon dot leedle home off mine, mit my vife, unt my son, his vife unt leedle girls, I dink dot's der last time goot-by to dose proberty!

She tossed her head sharply. "Friends!" she exclaimed. "Mother of God! Would you walk about with your knives for ever? When every day other men are taken, can you ask to go free? Am I the wife of the Intendente?" "No, nod the vife!" barked the stout man violently. "But if you gan't tell us noding better than to stop for der police to dake us, vot's der good of you?"

Weller as perseveringly withheld. 'It ain't o' no use, sir, said Sam, again and again; 'he's a malicious, bad-disposed, vorldly-minded, spiteful, windictive creetur, with a hard heart as there ain't no soft'nin', as the wirtuous clergyman remarked of the old gen'l'm'n with the dropsy, ven he said, that upon the whole he thought he'd rayther leave his property to his vife than build a chapel vith it.

"Monsieur le baron! pray do not laugh at me, I entreat you." "Monsieur Pirodot," said the financier, with a serious air, "it is deen agreet; you vill invite us to your nex pall? My vife is shalous; she vish to see your abbartement, of vich she hear so mooch." "Monsieur le baron! "Oh! if you reffuse me, no creydit! Yes, I know der Prayfic of die Seine was at your las pall." "Monsieur le baron!