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Dey vouldn't take it demselves if it vas handed to dem. Dey're too honest, yes. Vell, don't dey say ve're honest, too? Vell, vat more you vant? Dey don't know how much money und rubies dere is in der bank. Ve von't take all of it und dey von't know der difference. Ve burn der books. Das is all. Ve get in by der bank to-night, boys." "I don't like id," said Joost.

He tink Mercedes ver' nice girl; he tink I dance bettah as any he ever saw; he say so to me. He do vat Mercedes vant, vat she say vas de right ting sure he do. Vas dat not de bettah, señor?" "Possibly," yet secretly questioning her motives, "but but really, you know, I always supposed you to be a friend of Farnham's!"

A little old smock-faced man, the very reverse of a Jew in complexion, for he was very soft-haired as well as beardless, appeared, and with many courtesies asked Wayland what he pleased to want. He had no sooner named the drug, than the Jew started and looked surprised. "And vat might your vorship vant vith that drug, which is not named, mein God, in forty years as I have been chemist here?"

Zee pluck of zat leetle creature is admirable. It vould be a horrible shame to take his life. No! I do love to see ploock vezer in man or beast! He could not shoomp zat. He knew he could not shoomp it, but he tried to shoomp it. He vould not be beat, an' I vould not kill him zough I vant 'im very mooch for a specimen."

'Veil, I say, plain like, 'vot you vant? He say, 'I heard der vos Reb officer come in der lines, an' I rides down to see if he vos der hound vot I vanted to horsevip. 'Veil, I say, for it made me much mad, 'maybe you like to horsevip me? 'No, he says, laughing, 'it vos a damn pup in der th Virginia Cavalry, named Vayne, I am after, I say, 'Vot has he done? He says, 'He insult a voman, an' vould not fight mit me."

Otto bitterly reproached himself for leaving his rifle beyond reach, for his was the situation of the individual who may not have needed such a weapon often, but when he did, he wanted it with an emphasis beyond question. "Dis ish de spot where I doesn't vant to be," was his truthful conclusion, "so I dinks I goes somewhere else."

I dunno, but I tink dey up to no good, dem crowd. If I no have to stay for docteur I go right back qvick. D'ye tink dey vant ter bodder Hugo, or de lady, Stefan?" The latter swore again. "If dey bodder 'em I tvists all dere necks like chickens, I tank," he cried, excitedly. "How long ago did they leave?"

He's got to go down to Lafayette Place for a trunk." Kling looked at his companion, as if to see what effect the talk had had upon him, and broke out into a suffocating chuckle. "Dot's vot it is all day long don't you yonder I go crazy? First it is sideboards and den it is vooden saints. Here you, Bobby! Come inside vunce! I vant to ask you sometings."

"I vant none of zos zings; Saint Cristoval, non! non! Ze Capitaine he tole me get him some of ze olif haf you no olif in ze leetle boat?" The darkies shook their heads, instantly starting in again to call their wares, but the fellow on the rail waved them back. "Zen ve don't vant you here!" he cried shrilly. "Go vay dam quick, or else ze soldier shoot."

"Shoots, shoots!" he babbled in his curious thick voice. "Jock heard shoots!" I looked at him fixedly and in a serious voice replied in a German accent you could have cut with a knife, "I vant to know zomezing about sheeps, Herr Jock, not about shoots. How many sheeps are zere in zis island, eh?" Did I see a gleam of intelligence for an instant in Jock's eye? I cannot honestly say.