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Updated: August 5, 2024

"What sort o' wood?" "Man alive! Does it matter what sort o' wood, when I tell you the child was thievin'. You encourage her to play truant, defyin' the law; an' now she's doin' what'll bring her to Bodmin Gaol, as sure as fate. A child scarce over thirteen an' you're makin' a gaol-bird o' her!

"Why, you old thievin' vagabone!" gasped Joe, as Ravenslee gravely handed over the money. "Vagabone yourself!" said the Old Un, counting the bills over in trembling fingers. "The Guv wants a bath take 'im away 'ook it, d'j 'ear?" "Has Patterson got everything ready, Joe?" enquired Ravenslee, taking up his clothes. "No, sir," mumbled Joe, "but I'll have ye bath ready in a jiffy, sir."

Look at thim, Jimmy agra only look at the black thieves! how warm an' wealthy they sit there in our ould possessions, an' here we must toil till our fingers are worn to the stumps, upon this thievin' bent. The curse of Cromwell on it! You might as well ax the divil for a blessin', as expect anything like a dacent crop out of it.

With white, quivering lips and panting breath, Fardorougha approached and joined them. "What, what," said he, in a broken sentence, "is this true can it, can it be true? Is the thievin' villain of hell gone? Has he robbed us, ruined us, destroyed us?"

"Well, say if you could cop me one o' Geoff's cigarettes one o' them with gold letterin' onto 'em " "You mean thieve you one!" "Why, no, a cigarette ain't thievin'. Say, now, dear old Trapesy, I'm jest dyin' for a gasper!" "Well, you go on dyin', an' I'll set right here an' watch how you do it." "If I was t' die you'd be sorry for this, I reckon."

Come along, you, an' be monty peart about hit, fur we're in a powerful bad frame o' mind ter be fooled with. I wouldn't gin a fi'-penny-bit fur all yer blue-bellied life's worth. The boys ar jest pizen mad from seein' so many o' thar kin and folks killed by yer crowd o' thievin' Hessians."

I'm goin' to stop this business if I've got to kill every thievin' varmint in the Army o' the Cumberland. Don't you dare move till I come out, or I'll put a bullet through you. Do you hear?" "I don't believe I've got any more time to waste on that bellerin' bull-calf," said the Deacon to himself.

"'Yeh low down, thievin', chicken-hearted, blank, blank scoundrels, he yells, an' his voice was that loud an' so full o' passion th' sailors were scared into quietness. 'Yeh miserable sneakin' apologies for men! So this is what's th' matter, is it? By gum! If I don't have every mother's son of ye clapped into jail soon as we reach Kingstown, call me a crimson Dutchman. Blown up, are ye?

"Troth it is, Gerald," replied M'Mahon; "but any way there's nothin' but thievin' and robbin' goin'. You didn't hear that we came in for a visit?" "You!" exclaimed Mrs. Cavanagh "is it robbed? My goodness, no!" "Why," he proceeded, "we'll be able to get over it afore we die, I hope. On ere last night we had two of our fattest geese stolen." "Two!" exclaimed Mrs.

According to Ody Rafferty, "The like of such a clanjamfry of thievin' drunken miscreants, you wouldn't aisy get together, if you had a spring-trap set for them at the Ould Fellow's front door for a month of Sundays.

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